Really, Sam?

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Days had passed and Peter was slowly getting better. He could walk around the tower, (with the help of crutches, of course) but was mostly pushed around in a wheelchair. Wade had stayed with him every single night, no matter the circumstances.

If Peter was hungry or thirsty, Wade got him a snack and a drink. If the teen was tired, Wade would take long naps with him.

Of course, Tony and Steve only knew the small things, and definitely didn't know, (and didn't need to know) that they slept in the same bed most of the time.

It was early morning when Peter woke up to the soft song of the birds outside his massive bedroom window. He squinted in the bright light and somewhat struggled to sit up, waking Wade in the process.

"Baby boy?" he mumbled sleepily, turning onto his back. The warmth of his boyfriend had vanished and he wasn't awake enough to know why.

"I-I'm-right here, W-ade." Peter giggled, making the other finally open his eyes. Wade grinned and moved so his head was placed in the teen's lap.

"What time is it, baby?" he asked. Peter craned his neck and looked at the hologram clock by his night stand.

"Uh... six f-fi-ifty three," he replied. Wade whined and snuggled deeper into Peter's lap.

"Why s'it so early?" the elder slurred, using one hand to pull a blanket over him. Peter chuckled and kissed Wade's forehead.

"C-Can we go-o make breakfast?" Peter asked. Wade sighed, finally sitting up.

"Fine. But just 'cause I love you."

That's how the two boys found themselves singing to songs by Beyoncé at seven in the morning, surely waking everyone in the compound. They had made loads of pancakes with multiple strips of bacon, enough for everyone in the building.

Peter used his crutches to maneuver over to a button that was placed on the wall, pressing it with one of his good fingers. A bell immediately went off, signaling breakfast was done.

People started to make their ways into the kitchen, first Bucky and Clint, followed by Nat, Wanda and Steve, and finally Bruce, Tony, Thor and Sam.

"What's cooking?" Sam asked, somewhat ignoring Peter. It wasn't a huge secret- Sam despised the young boy ever since he found out who he was, and was very annoyed about himself being beaten by a child.

"Pancakes and bacon," Wade replied, shoveling the food onto the plates.

Everyone sat at the table in their usual seats, (an extra one pulled up for Wade) and they all ate, making playful banter and jokes the entire time.

"What did the mustard say to the mayo in a race?" Sam asked, beginning to chuckle silently. Clint rolled his eyes.

"What?" he mumbled sarcastically.

"You need to ketchup!" Sam wheezed, laughing hysterically.

"That was a great joke, son of Wil!" Thor boomed, making everyone else laugh. Sam half bowed and they all continued eating their meal.

Once they were all done, the Avengers brought their plates to the sink and quickly made their way to living area so they didn't have to clean up. "Hey Peter! Why don't you clean the dishes!" Sam hollered from across the room.

Peter sighed and gave a half nod before limping back into the kitchen, his crutches hitting the wood floor. Wade flared angrily at Sam- he was fuming.

"Seriously, bird man?!" he huffed. You could literally see the smoke coming from his ears.

Sam rolled his eyes. "What, merc??" he asked, clearly annoyed. Wade stalked over to the man and crouched down in front of him, not breaking eye contact.

"You expect Peter- who is basically disabled, to somehow stand at the sink for an hour and scrub dishes with his broken hands?!" Wade spit in his face, standing up. He kicked Sam in the shins before hurrying off to stop his boyfriend.

"Can you believe him?" Sam huffed once the anti-hero was gone, crossing his arms. "Fucking psychopath..."

"Um... actually, Sam..."

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