The Date

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"I'll meet you back here tonight at eleven, okay? Wear comfy clothes and I'll handle everything else. Got it?" Wade instructed, standing up. Peter nodded as the elder hoisted him onto his feet.

The two shared one last kiss before Peter tugged his mask on and swung back off towards the tower.


Peter crawled in through his window, shutting and locking it once he was on his feet. He stripped of his suit and quickly changed into some baggy sweatpants, along with one of Wade's sweaters that the mercenary had so kindly gifted him.

Peter shoved the suit back in it's hiding place and slipped out of his room and down the hall. He got in the elevator and rode it down to the Avengers floor. He stepped out to find everyone still sleeping soundly.

"Peter!" the teen heard someone whisper. Peter jerked his head and let out a relieved sigh when he saw Bucky standing there. "What did you do?"

Peter grinned triumphantly before holding his hands up. "I got a date tonight," he signed, making Bucky gasp.

"Oh my god! With who?!" the super soldier asked and led Peter to his room. Bucky shut the door so no one heard.

"This guy named Wade- he's really cool." the boy signed. Bucky patted him on the back.

"I'm proud of you, kid."


It was now nine in the evening and everyone was gathered on the main floor, watching movies. Peter looked down at his watch and smiled- two hours till his date with Wade. Tony looked over and raised an eyebrow at his son's happy grin. "Kid, what is making you so smiley?"

"Nothing!" Peter quickly signed, confusing almost everyone.

"He said, nothing," Bucky informed. "It's sign language- you all should learn it sometime."

"Ah..." Steve said, mostly to himself. "Noted."

Bucky looked over at Peter with a smirk. "You should probably head to bed, kiddo. I mean, you got school tomorrow. Don't you have a project you need to do tomorrow during chemistry?" Bucky raised his eyebrows up and down, making the teen blush.

"Goodnight!" Peter signed before rushing out of the room.

For the next hour and a half, Peter paced his room, trying on different outfits and testing out hairstyles. Yes, Wade said comfy, but Peter was thinking his comfy wasn't comfy enough. Screw it, Peter thought before pulling on his mask.

He swung out the window and the twenty minutes went passed in a blur. Peter landed on the roof and removed his mask, letting his jaw fall to the cement.

White, twinkling fairy lights were strung along the wide fencing, illuminating the rest of the gorgeous set up. Two beams held up a thin, orange sheet, underneath a thick white comforter with pillows scattered across it. In front of the little makeshift bed sat a portable fire place, cackling with orange and yellow flames. A small table held a box of graham crackers, a bag of marshmallows, a packet of chocolate bars and some roasting sticks.

Peter felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrap around his waist before someone rested their chin on the top of his head. Peter smiled and leaned into the warm touch as Wade brought his head down on Peter's shoulder.

"Do you like it?" Wade asked softly, earning a nod from the teen. Wade led Peter to the blanket and they sat down.

Wade reached for the roasting sticks and marshmallows, handing one each to Peter. The fifteen year old smiled graciously and the two began roasting their sweet treats. Peter watched closely as the orange flames engulfed the fluffy white marshmallow, crisping around its edges.

"Ahg!" Wade yelled when he accidentally caught his on fire. Peter laughed as the mercenary blew the small flames out. "Oh well, still good!" the mercenary shrugged and constructed his s'more, Peter soon doing the same.

The two ate their treats and watched the starry sky above them, Peter becoming mesmerized as it seemed as if the distant stars were dancing amongst the blackness. Once they were done eating, Wade put out the fire and the two laid back, Wade's arm around Peter's smaller frame, the younger's head placed on his chest. "Peter, you are truly amazing, you know that?" Wade said suddenly. Peter responded with a shrug.

"What are you going on about?" Peter signed to Wade.

"What I'm trying to say is, um..." Wade paused and slapped himself lightly on the cheek.

"W-Will you be my boyfriend?"

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