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Peter's mouth fell open in shock, and he clamped his hand over it. The teen nodded happily and soon Wade's lips were on his.


"We need this vigilante, Stark. He's done wonderful things for this city!" Nicolas Fury stated. The Avengers all thought for a moment before Clint spoke up.

"Director, what do we know about this, Spider-Man?" he asked, folding his hands in his lap. Fury sighed at the archer's statement and shook his head.

"We know nothing about him," Fury finally replied. "He's hidden so well from S.H.I.E.L.D that we don't even have a possible suspect!" Fury sighed, annoyed, before starting to pace about the room.

"How do you want us to bring him in?" Steve asked.

Fury looked to him and thought for a moment. "Ask him at first, but if he refuses, use force- just don't severely hurt him."

- - -

"Bye baby boy!" Wade shouted after Peter as the masked teen swung away. A few minutes into his route he ducked into an alleyway and fully changed into his spider suit, stashing his comfy clothes in between a crevice of two walls.

Peter tugged his mask on once more and began to swing and flip through the streets of New York, looking for any crime. "Help!" A feminine voice screamed into the darkness, making Peter's spidey sense stand on end.

He quickly made his way to the sound of the scream and peeked over a rooftop to see a woman being cornered by a man in an alleyway. His hand was roaming her breast as his other gripped her side. Tears were streaming down the woman's face, (who also couldn't be more than twenty years of age) and she was struggling against his strength.

Peter took a quick breath and jumped down, landing silently behind the presumed rapist. The woman saw the red and blue clad hero and instantly stopped screaming and sniffed softly. The man began to turn around and just before the two made eye contact, Peter shot a web at his arms, pulling him backwards.

The man yelped as he tumbled onto the pavement and more webbings cocooned him on the ground. He growled and tried to escape but failed miserably. The woman ran to Peter and hugged him gratefully.

"Thank you Spider-Man!" she cried, clinging to his body. Peter hugged her back and began leading her out of the alleyway, where cop cars were beginning to pull up. Peter released the woman and paramedics came rushing over, sweeping her away.

"We owe you again, Spider-Man," one officer thanked, giving Peter a thumbs up. All the red and blue clad hero did was tip his head and swing off into the night.

Some time later, Peter was swinging his way back to the tower when he froze, mid-air as he felt something coming towards him. He was too late to react when something circular hit him straight in the back. Peter yelled in pain as he plummeted towards the ground, but was able to launch a web and stick to a rooftop.

Iron man and Captain America landed on the roof next to him. "Sorry 'bout that, Spider-Man, but I didn't know any other methods on how to get you down," Steve apologized. Peter shook his head and stood up cautiously.

"We want you to join the Avengers," Tony began bluntly, getting straight to the point. "What do you say?" Peter's eyes bugged from his head for a split second before regaining focus.

He morphed his way into a battle stance, his arms in front of him as he crouched slightly. He shook his head and tipped it to the side cockily before thinking:

You really think that's gonna happen?

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