Needles and Flashbacks

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"Oh no, oh no, oh no..." Tony mumbled as he carefully picked up Spider-man, cradling him in his arms. "What do we do?" he turned towards Bruce and Steve, who looked equally as worried.

"Bring him to my lab, and Steve," Bruce started, looking to the super soldier. "Can you get Bucky?" Steve nodded and ran off towards everyone to retrieve said man.

Tony and Bruce walked down the long corridors of Stark Tower, weaving through short cuts and every-so-often, a set of stairs; they were worried that an elevator ride would kill the unconscious man in their arms.

"Bruce, Peter wasn't in his room when I went up there, and the place was completely trashed..." Tony randomly brought up, looking over to his science bro. Bruce looked back at Tony, confusion laced throughout his features.

"Is he even in the tower?" he asked. Tony sighed.

"That, I don't even know. He had text messages about meeting up with this boy- Wadey, was the contact name- talking about some date? Hopefully that's where he's at."

"We'll just have to wait and see," Bruce said just as they reached the lab. Tony carefully placed Spider-man on the lab table, propping his head on the small pillow. Bruce bit his lip before looking to Tony.

"Tony-" Bruce was cut off by Steve rushing in, Bucky in his arms. Following closely behind were Wanda, Clint, Sam, and Natasha, all curious as to what was happening. Bruce sighed and shook his head, averting his attention to where Bucky was now placed.

"Tony, hook Bucky up to a heart monitor and an I.V drip, we never know if it could come in handy" he instructed. Tony nodded and began doing everything he was told.

While the two scientists were busy with Bucky, Wanda walked over to where Spider-man lay, placing her hand down on his wrist. Her eyes immediately went red and her head tilted back as images invaded her mind.

"Boss, we should put him under for this-" a man began, but was cut off by an elder woman, who was wearing a lab coat and thick-rimmed goggles.

"Nonsense, Curt! We need this boy to remember everything that's been done!" she cackled. The boy on the lab table cowered under her touch as she strapped his wrists and ankles onto the metal table. "Now, grab the syringe cart!"

The man- Curt- sighed quietly and strolled to a series of carts, grabbing and wheeling one over that held at least twenty syringes, if not, more. "Viola, are you completely sure that he won't die?" Curt asked timidly.

The woman- now known as Viola- rolled her eyes. "How many times must I repeat myself! Our little spider will be able to withstand this small experiment! After all, this is what his lovely father designed him for, correct?" she sneered. Curt cleared his throat and nodded.

"Y-Yes ma'am, you are right." he said. Viola scoffed.

"Of course I am! Now hand me that red syringe!" Curt immediately complied, handing Viola the red liquid-filled syringe. She wiped down a section of the boy's arm with a cotton swab before sticking the needle into his skin, earning a small groan of pain. She smiled wickedly down at the child before releasing the liquid into his bloodstream.

The boy screamed in pain, beginning to writhe on the lab table. Tears sprang in his chocolate brown eyes, rushing down his cheeks like a river. A small burn mark was left where the needle was injected, about the size of a dollar coin. From the burn mark, his veins were visible through his skin, glowing a deathly red-orange color. Small black streaks ran from the burn, all the way to the boy's wrist.

"Interesting..." Viola muttered before stabbing the boy with another needle- this time blue. The child screamed once again-

"No!" Wanda screamed, retracting her hand from Spider-man's body. Her breathing became labored as she backed away from the red and blue clad male, horror stricken across her face.

"Wanda! Are you okay?" Steve asked, immediately rushing to her side. Wanda stared, wide eyed at Spider-man, tears starting to rush down her cheeks.


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