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Tony sighed and readied his systems once it was clear that Spider-man wasn't going down without a fight. The vigilante had his arms up to fight and his legs were spread apart. Steve charged at Spider-Man but the vigilante dodged and jumped over the super soldier, tucking his legs on his shoulders and spinning him to the ground.

"Agh!" Steve groaned as Spider-man jumped off him and shot a web, sticking Steve to the ground.

"Stop resisting!" Tony shouted angrily and shot a repulser beam at the vigilante. Spider-man laughed and did a back flip, the beam completely missing him by a long shot. Tony fired beam after beam at him, only to miss every single time.

Steve was finally able to dislodge his wrist from the sticky web and stood up, swaying slightly from his head smacking the concrete. He shook it off and charged once more, flinging his shield and hitting Spider-man straight in the back.

"Gah!" Spider-man shouted and cursed in his mind. He turned towards Steve and ran, tackling him to the ground. Steve struggled against the vigilante's strength and Spider-man, in a blind rage, punched him hard in the temple, sending back dots and stars across his vision.

"Steve!" Tony shouted, and used the moment to shoot at Spider-man, nailing the beam right in his chest, sending him backwards towards the edge of the rooftop. Tony got out of his suit and sprinted for his husband, kneeling by his side.

Blood was streaming down the side of Steve's face and more dripped from his nose. Tony wiped away tears that were stuck in his brown eyes and grabbed his husband's hand as the super soldier fell unconscious. Tony turned back to Spider-man to see him staring at them, a hand covering his mask mouth.

"You're gonna pay for this!" Tony yelled as more tears fell down his face.

"Oh my god..." Peter thought when he saw his pops knocked out. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." repeated in his mind. Peter stood up and rushed to Steve and kneeled down next to him, wiping the blood from his temple.

Tony stared at the vigilante, confused as to why he was helping the man he knocked unconscious. Peter felt the tears fall down his cheeks as he checked his pops' pulse, feeling it clearly. Peter sunk back so he was sitting down, and he pulled his knees to his chest and rocked back and forth.

"No, no, no, no, no..." Peter mumbled under his breath. His breaths hitched in his throat and sent him into hyperventilating, Tony stared at Spider-man, completely confused on what was happening.

All around the three men, the rest of the Avengers crowded around and silently stood as they watched Spider-man go into a panic attack. The vigilante scrambled to his feet and rushed to the side of the building, pulling his mask up just enough to uncover his lips and threw up his s'mores.

Clint winced as he watched Spider-man throw up, but quickly went into action when the red and blue clad man fell limp, half hanging off the building.

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