Stitches' Story

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Amazed, shocked, and awestruck were just a few ways to describe how my group of friends and I looked. Terrified, reduced to tears and resisting the urge to run away was another way to describe us.

I was leaning more towards the amazed and awestruck. Casey was crying. Stitches was just staring, expectingly, at me. To answer my dumbstruck look he tapped his lips. I raced to get the pair of scissors that I had the forethought to bring outside with us. 
Moving forward, I paid special attention to not step in the circle. Everything I read said that a big no-no. That's how witches get trapped or hurt, more often both. I tossed the scissors to him, not fearing him getting hurt.

He was a supernatural being after all. I heard Casey whine behind me. I for a second truly thought that was a car belt squealing, just really far away. 

He caught them effortlessly, with a little prompting from me he begins cutting. With each almost sicking snap, I am one step closer to my answers. 

Who was this woman, I keep seeing? What's going on with Xander? What's going on with me? Last but not who the hell was Cormac and was does my dad care?

Cormac took his sweet time cutting his stitches. 




 An unearthly scream erupted from the middle of the circle.  The scissors landed beside my feet, almost touching my barefoot. Of course, they would land straight up, blades buried into the ground.  My brain couldn't decide which needed my attention more, right now. 

"Ya knoe, I'v been chasin after you for aye while now. you don' lik ta listen do ya?" The thickness of his accent was almost to the point I couldn't understand him, so I just stared at him in response. 

Cormac just bobbed his head and stared back. I just got attitude from a long-dead witch doctor maybe I need to reevaluate my life. 

That was food for thought, for later. 

I felt Xander move to stand behind me, he was awfully close. I glanced up and noticed him and Cormac were now having a staring contest. 


"Terry, you should let him out," I spun around to look him in the face so fast, he had to catch me as I tipped over to one side. 

"Are you kidding?!" I shouted, fist clenched, and ready to fight. 

"No, he's not." Cormac cut in.  I ignored him, his accent was slightly less.

"What do you mean let him out, why?" Crossing my arms, I made it known I was not budging on this.  "You just can't be serious," I threw one hand in the air in disbelief. 

"I am, and I don't think he's going to hurt you. Me and Casey, maybe but I'm willing to risk it-"

"I'm not!" Casey screeched and joined the two of us. " Don't just go volunteering me for spooky ghost murder!" Her hands on hips, staring pointy daggers at Xander almost made me laugh at the situation.

"Terry." That familiar draw was enough to make me groan. Of course, he was adding his two cents too.

I turned around and there he was standing, just on the outside of the circle.

"Yes?" I couldn't keep the attitude out of my voice anymore. I was beyond regretting my choices now.  Hands on my hips I waited for his response. 

"He's not going to hurt anyone just let him talk, please." He tacked on the please as an afterthought. I shrugged my shoulders. Fed up with everyone and their opinions. 

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