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My wait wasn't long before the door opens again, and as I turn around I see Lee come in. He has a little bandage on the bridge of his nose and some tissues shoved into his nostrils. I was immediately filled with regret and remorse.

"I've come to take you to your new room and your belongings have been moved as well." He spoke as if I hadn't broken his nose less than an hour ago. He gave me a small smile, place his hand on my arm and leads the way.

"I am sorry I hit you, you had startled me is all." The words rushed out of my mouth, tripping over themselves to get out.

"I know, and it's okay, I just wanted to get you out of there before they did, because you needed to talk to Maria." He speaks to me with his back to me. Almost I ask him more, but I am unsure of who is around.

I really don't want to get him in trouble or any more for that matter. I'm sure that Dr. Hayes wanted me to shut me up, why else would he want to see me today? Truly doubt it was to say Happy Birthday. He knows, I would sing like a Carney about all the things he has done.

Not just the painful things, I was forced to endure. I would tell it all, that's one thing about growing up in a place like this. If you can learn to shut up and listen to what's going on around you, you'll soon know something about everybody.

Following Lee, to another area, I am not familiar with, and everything is clean. It seems that in the day that Dr. Maria has been here she has done quite a bit.

We arrived to a nice sized room with clean walls, with an actual bed, a real pillow, and my shabby blanket which looks out of place. This room even has a clock mounted on the wall and has some lighting besides the window which doesn't have bars on it.

As soon as Lee closes, but doesn't lock my door, time seems to fly and crawl at the same time. Its filled with me just laying in bed waiting for some word, occasionally Lee leaves and comes back with news about the other patients, my release and other things.

I think he is just trying to help pass the time. Through him, I have learned that Dr. Hayes has not only been removed as the head doctor but the building as well.

In handcuffs, which suits me just fine.

He is also facing charges and possibly losing his license. I have also learned that my brothers are not too thrilled with me living with them but are open to talking to me. They have given Dr. Maria their addresses and info for me to reach them at when I get out.

Casey, on the other hand, is driving halfway across the country to come and get me. She thinks she can get me a job, whenever she arrives, I will be released. She is even bringing me clothes to wear considering the clothing I wore here is a wee bit small. I am very appreciative. I can not wait to see the world, to go out and drink and smoke and do all the things normal people do.

Okay, maybe I won't smoke but it's the normalcy I crave.

Speaking of the things normal people do, I don't think that seeing a dead child with beautiful brown hair, scared eyes, and a tattered gown like mine fits that bill.

She has asked me where she is and why can't she leave at least a hundred times before I became fed up with her. When Lee left I yelled at her that she was dead and I couldn't help her, and ever since then she has not been here.

That was about four hours ago, and I'm kind of lonely now.

I lay back down on my comfy bed and wonder if I will be able to take another shower today. Ever since I got moved I have been able to shower whenever I want.

I like Dr. Maria in charge. I like seeing my actual hair color, I had forgotten it was light blonde like my mama's. Curious thoughts about her and papa are, filled my mind. I wonder if they have missed me at all?

In need of a distraction, my brain latches on to, maybe I should dye my hair when I got out or maybe get a tattoo or a piercing. What's wrong with wanting to live my life to the fullest? When you are given a get out of hell free card, you live the life you have and you do your best to not end up there again.

That's exactly what I intend to do.

I drift off to sleep and I dream of what my mind thinks my parents and the farm looks like now.

I am awakened by Lee shaking me and telling me I need to wake up because it's time to go and meet Dr. Maria and Casey. All but jumping and run down the hallways to her office. The differences in the building are amazing. There is new staff, everything is clean, and the patients look happy and bathed.

It's like a whole new place, and as I enter the Pit, my eyes lock onto Dr. Maria who is talking to a woman with black hair with blue, red and purple stripes. The woman is wearing a black top with parts cut out and wearing really skinny jeans. They look rather uncomfortable, and as she sees me the woman runs to me and embraces me as if she is my long-lost sister.

"Oh my god! Theresa you look great and just the same!" As soon as I hear her voice I realize this girl, is Casey, she is not how I remember her. She definitely doesn't look sweet and innocent anymore.

"I have been driving for like a day and a half, I am so glad you thought of me. We are going to have so much fun together, I live alone and I have the coolest job ever." She rattles on, and I am starting to rethink my choice but I guess being with her is better than being alone. Dr. Maria urges her to give me some clothes and for me to get dressed, so we can leave.

I am handed a bag filled to the brim with things; it has a tank top, a pair of stretchy black pants, a bra, and panties, several types, more than I knew existed. There is a hairbrush, some hair ties, deodorant, a bottle of great smelling perfume, and multiple bottles of hair stuff and at the very bottom is another shirt. I guess she wanted me to have a variety.

I ended up wearing the comfiest bra and panties in the bag, both shirts, and the pants were more comfortable than I thought they would be. My hair went up into a messy bun/ ponytail combination. I may have put on more perfume than I needed but after being stinky for years you could never smell too good. Leaving my gown on the bed, I grab my blanket and put it in the bag.

With my hand on the knob to leave my -new- room, thoughts started running through my head. Did I really want to try to live with someone I barely knew? How was I going to deal with this new life? Was I ever going to go see my parents? Shaking my head, with hopes the thoughts would fall out my ears. I brace myself and walk out and join them at the door.

Lee has joined them, and he looks sad and happy at the same time, he's smiling with tears in his eyes. As soon as he sees me he's hugging me and whispering into my ear about how he's happy to see me go, but he's still going to miss me. He sticks a piece of paper into my hand and pushes me out the door. I get into Casey's car in a blur, next thing I know we are on the highway speeding away.


😂😂 Sorry, I got hype.

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