Family Reunion

29 6 0

Theresa's POV

Heading down the driveway took forever and I noticed things do not look how I remember them. There are flowers lining the driveway, on both sides. Beautiful, and painstakingly taken care of.

I see a lot of purples, reds, pinks, and blues; with dashes of orange and yellow. The flowers ranged from soft colors to loud vibrant ones. There used to be nothing but grass around here.

The yard which was once a dying shade of green is now very much alive and a sea of lush vibrant green.

The house was starting to peak out from the trees that were hiding it, which were also new. They were not very big but there was enough to do the job.

The house looked a lot better then what it did when I was younger. It used to look so battered, faded, flaking paint on the wooded siding. Now it had that new siding, the roof looked remodeled too.

The more that came into view the more I noticed what had been remodeled. Almost everything, except for the porch.

I hadn't expected this.

Some small petty part of me had hoped that they had rotted the same way I did.

Anger started to flood my brain and heart, that anger started to pull the hastily placed band-aid I had on my heart. My brain trying to, as always, save me and started applying pressure but it was already too late, a leak had formed.

I had to stare at my hands for the rest of the ride to the house.

"How could I have been so naive to think they would have missed me? As if they cared? They did throw me away, to begin with." My inner demon sneered at me.

"No, Matt said Mama wanted me here.  Plus Papa said I had to come to see her," I responded to myself.

Which may not be a good thing. Just throwing that out there.

I knew in my heart somewhere my Papa loved me and regretted everything. Now I had to face my mama, maybe she can help me heal myself.

That was a new hope of mine.

While I was internally waging a war, the car came to a stop and turned off. I just sat there staring at my hands.

Searching desperately for the courage I needed, I felt my anger pooling into a ball in my stomach. I accidentally pressed on it looking for courage, the rage burst flooding me; body and soul.

That may have been a bad idea.

Hellfire rolling, boiling into giant leaping flames and burning into my soul, stripping me of the last few weeks; reminding me of who I truly am.

The lost, forgotten daughter; doomed, tarnished, forever. I had been forced to grow up in hell; I was nothing more than a damned soul. I had endured things that no child, no person should ever have to.

I had gotten lost in the glitz and glam of my new life for a moment.

I remember now though and I will never forget again, but now was not the time.

So, I straighten the mask I was figuratively wearing. I got out of the car and pretended I was happy to be here.

Sitting on her porch as if she excepted me, for all I know she probably did, was my mama. She gasped and placed a hand on her mouth, tears welling in her eyes.

I didn't move a muscle, I just stared. Mama rubbed her eyes as if to make sure I was really standing in front of her. I couldn't process anything going on in my mind, it was all a buzz.

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