Chapter 44 | Free food

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C H A P T E R  4 4
| F R E E  F O O D |

Today was Friday. The whole week was a doozie. Having to try and stay away from Charlotte was tough. I don't know why she wasn't bothering me that much but it got me concerned. It means she's planning something big.

On the other hand we were given plenty of assignments and learning tasks. It's almost as they we didn't just come back from holidays.

"I think he's cheating on me" Maya blurted out.

I immediately put my pen down and faced her. She had a look of concern and worry.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I was at hia house watching a movie and he went to go get snacks. I checked his phone and it had  message from babe number 4. It said, come over at 5" she explained.

She continued. "Am I just being paranoid? Or a nosy girlfriend?"

I shook my head at her immediatly. "No your not, if someone sent that to Luke I'd ask the same thing. I can't tell you if he is or not because I honestly don't know. Your gonna have to ask him and trust that he's telling you the truth. I can always tell when he's lying so I can help"

She nodded somewhat relived but still worried.

Just on time Riley walked in smiling as usual and sat next to Maya.

"Are you cheating on me?" Maya immediatly asked.

Riley choked on air.

I did a double take. "Right now?"

I wasn't expecting her to do it now, not where every classmate can hear. I thought she'd do it with privacy.

Maya shrugged when she looked at me. "Yeah why not. So if he is cheating on me he can tell every one here"

Riley gave her a confused and shocked look. "No I'm not cheating on you"

Maya wasn't convinced. "Then whose babe number 4?"

"Babe number 4?" He repeated confused before realising what she meant. "Oh, you saw the text" he put the pieces together.

"Yeah I did"

He took her hand and smiled reassuringly. "You have nothing to worry about. She's my lab partner and we were finishing a project. It's in my bag if you want to see it"

I realised how sweet that is. He was willingly to show her his work to convince her he's not seeing another girl.

Maya looked relieved. "No, it's fine. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been snooping" she looked down in embarrassment.

Luke strolled in wearing a smile, better than the last few days where he didn't smile at all. He came up to me firstly and kissed me on the cheek before sitting down.

I couldn't help but smile. Not only is his smile contagious but of his sweet gesture.

"Good morning. Your awfully happy" I stated as he faced me.

"I know, with no more secrets left out in the open and I'm not ever bothering to worry about Charlotte, I'm happier" he explained.

I was thankful that he's not going to give another thought to her but she still worried me.

About the whole making him fall in love with her again. It scared me.

"You may be done with her but I'm not. After all, she still lives in my house" I groaned. And she's staying unfortanetly.

"She's selfish, a gold digger, a cruel-" I continued.

"No more talking about Charlotte in three two one" he counted down.

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