Chapter 32 | Happy Easter

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C H A P T E R  3 2
| H A P P Y  E A S T E R |

I woke up to my alarm blaring. That's weird. I don't remeber setting my alarm.

I hit the snooze button and sat up lazily as I tried to put the pieces together.

Right now I'm in one of those mornings when you can't remember what day it is, and what you're meant to be doing today.

My clock read six am. But then I remembered that it's holidays. Which means I don't have school.

I put my robe around me and shuffled downstairs where my mother was sipping her coffee at the dining table and father was eating.

"Morning" they both greeted me.

I was tired and grumpy but I knew better than to ignore my mom. "Morning" I replied in a grumpy tone.

Mom read a piece of paper in her hand. "Happy Easter" she said rather slowly and bored.

I blinked in confusion. "Happy Easter to you too" I spoke slowly.

That was the first time in my life when I heard my mother say happy easter.

She seemed unaffected by what I said as she read the piece of paper. "You are to go to the park by 7am"

I frowned even more. I walked up to mom and grabbed the piece of paper in her hand.

It had steps. At the top it said to Lana's mother. It read:

1. Say happy easter to your daughter.
2. Tell her to meet at the park by 7am.
Ps. Tell her to dress nicely.

I couldn't help but smile. "Whose this from?"

I knew who it was from but I wanted to confirm.

Mom didn't show an expression. "I can't say"

"So your gonna let your daughter be murdered?" I asked raising a brow. Good to know she cares so much.

"That wouldn't be too bad" she mumbled under her breath.

I smiled in shock and amusement. "What was that?"

She simply raised a brow. "Nothing"

I opened my mouth wide in shock. "You just did what I do".

I was proud. That mom isn't as serious as I thought.

"I seem to be hanging around you too much" she shrugged. 

I agreed. "Lucky you"

I left it there as I walked upstairs and  chose an outfit. As it was quite cold out there I decided to wear white jeans with a pink and white checkered shirt. I wore a black knit on top.

Apart from the early wake up I was happy. Ever other day this time last year was horrible. And I'm always in a shitty mood because of it. But this year is different because of someone.

I said a quick bye to my parents before grabbing my keys and driving to the park.

I parked my car and walked to the entrance of the park. When you enter the park there's a wide foot path. To your right is a playground with benches for picnics. To your left is a wide area of lush grass surrounded my trees.

I shift my eyes to the playground. Two children played on the playground, smiles gleaming on their faces. Whilst their parents sat at a table talking amongst themselves.

The atmosphere was quiet with a few birds chirping.

I looked around not knowing what to do.  The instructions only says to meet here. Nothing else. Do I just walk around and hope to find him?

Far away something caught my eye. I could just see it.

The sun reflected on it. I walked up to it as I realised what it was. It was a basket with a pink Easter egg. I picked it up and looked infront where another Easter egg lay.

I followed the trail, putting the Easter eggs in as I went.

When I reached the end of the trail I had a basket full of Easter eggs. But what surprised me was the sight infront of me. A blanket was sprawled out with a picnic basket placed into. There was a few blankets and pillows spread out.

A smile spread onto my face. Two warm hands covered my eyes and i instantly knew who it was.

"Guess who?" He asked.

"I didn't know your voice was so manly Maya" I asked rather surprised.

He faked a laugh as I spun around to face him. His hands cupped my cheeks as I smiled at him.

"Do you like it?" Luke asked.

"I love it" I instantly replied.

I looked at his outfit. He wore jeans and a blue button up shirt. His hair was slightly brushed although slightly touseled. His green eyes stared at me intently.

He pretended to think for a moment. "I think I deserve something" he stated casually.


He shrugged. "I guess a kiss will do"

I leaned in closer. Our lips were inches apart and I could smell his minty breath. "I guess that'll do" I leaned in and quickly pecked his lips before pulling apart.

He groaned. "That was barely a kiss"

I sat down on the blanket as I smiled menacingly.  "You didn't specify what type of kiss. Your fault"

He sat down opposite me. "How does it feel to have your first childhood Easter when your 18?"

I nodded. "It feels amazing. I could do this when I'm 60 and I'd love it."

"You know" I started, picking up an Easter egg. "I've never held or had an Easter egg before".

I definetly wasn't ashamed of it. It was just so weird to holding one.

"You've never gone to the shops and bought Easter eggs?" He asked gobsmacked.

I shook my head trying to recall a time. "Never"

"It seems like you've come from the dark ages" he chuckled as he picked one from the basket and unravelled it. "Try one"

I mocked his laughter. "Ain't my fault we don't celebrate Easter"

"So your telling me your teachers have never handed you Easter eggs during Easter?" He asked not believing I've never had an Easter egg.

I raise a brow. "No, I don't think it's part of their job description"

He shook his head amused as he popped the Easter egg into his mouth.

My hand wavered on top of the basket of Easter eggs."Don't laugh, but do the colours depend on the flavour?"

And he did exactly what I told him not to do.

He laughed.

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~ Ashley.

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