Chapter 7 | Karma's a bitch

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C H A P T E R  7
|K A R M A ' S  A  B I T C H |

"Asshole" I muttured.

A girl walked into the cafeteria having no idea as to what had happened.

She just happened to be in my path.

I shoved her shoulder roughly. "Watch it" I warned her and stormed off to my locker.

Luke was standing next to my locker. I swear he looks like a model. He was leaning on his left arm which was slightly raised on my locker. He was on his phone.

I punched in my digits for my code and unlocked it roughly.

The edge of his mouth tilted upwards. "You like to go out with a bang"

I returned his smile. "It's my speciality"

He frowned when I got out my handbag. "You're leaving? Lana we've talked about this"

"I know, but I said I'll start on Monday. I'm going through a breakup right now and girls on breakups are very bad" I pretend to sniffle.

He gave me a knowing look.

It was true. Girls when they're going though breakups are horrible. They cry for days and stay in their bed watching Netflix. I've never been through one but I've seen many. What I was going through right now wasn't normal. I wasn't feeling sad. I was feeling relieved and happy. Mike was a jerk anyway.

I shut my locker and walked away.

"Then why aren't you sad?" He yelled out to me.

"Trust me my insides are crying" I yelled back, sarcasm evident in my voice.

I walked to the parking lot and drove home. Mom and dad will never know, it would be a miracle if they're home.

As per usual, their cars weren't parked in the driveway.

I parked and locked my car door walking to my house.

I went to my room and got out a few books deciding I should try and learn.
First topic: basic arithmetic and algebra. I sighed, I can do this.


My eyes scanned my phone from afar which held another call.


Who already called 13 times.

I threw my pen on the table and pushed my chair so it was just next to my bed.

I sat cross legged on the chair as I picked up the phone spinning around in circles.

"Babe, I am so sorry. I swear I didn't do any of that for popularity or my ego. Can we please forget about it and go back to girlfriend and boyfriend" he pleaded, sounding desperate.

"Sorry babe" I mimicked him. "But I have a date tomorrow"

Of course I was making it up. It was just to get him angry, and it was working.

"What do you mean you have a date!?" His anger penetrated through the phone.

My tone was sickingly sweet. "I have a date tomorrow. Or are those words too big to register?" I asked innocently.

"Who with?"

I could tell he was trying to remain calm.

"Luke West" I sighed dreamily.

I can imagine his jaw clenched and his face red with anger.

"He's so hot and so strong" I went on about him. "Maybe he'll be the one to take my virginity" I smiled as to how angry he'd get.

"LANA-" He started but I ended the call.

"Karma's a bitch" I smiled at my handiwork.

I turned back to my work that I had done. Not bad. I had successfully finished four worksheets that took up four whole pages.

My laptop suddenly lit up and a FaceTime call appeared.

Stacey. Of course I should've known I would've gotten a call from her.

I checked the time. It was 3:30. Bell rang 15 minutes ago.

I accepted her call and Stacey was on the other end painting her nails. She looked surprised to see I accepted it.

"Explain. Now"

Stacey's my closest friend. And I know how hard I try, she'll try to get the truth out of me.

"And don't even bother telling lies" she accused me.

So I sighed and gave up. I could always put up a lie and she would never know.. after all I'm a great actor. But she's probably my only friend now. So I told her everything. And I mean everything. From my mother's deal, to Luke, ending at Mike. It took me a good half hour for me to explain, mainly because she wouldn't stop asking questions.

"So that's it" I concluded it.

She just stared at me. I became worried. Maybe telling her was the wrong thing to do. What if she leaves me for them?

"Say something" I pleaded.

She regained her consciousness. "You, my dear, are fucked"

I scowled at her. "Thanks Stacey, I can always count on you"

I wasn't annoyed at her response. Actually I was, because normally a friend is always meant to be there for you and say it's gonna be okay. And I was annoyed because it was true. I can keep lying to myself or admit the truth. I am fucked. Other than being annoyed at her I was relieved. Thank god she doesn't think I'm a slut and leave me for the others.

"So does this mean we can only sit together at lunch?" She asked.

This got me into deep thought. Sure I could hang out with them but my mother would want me hanging out with different people. Heck she would probably hire someone to see everything I do. That's how far she would go.

"I don't think we can even do that" I spoke mainly to myself.

She frowned so I continued. "I don't think we can talk to each other at all other than out of school"

A look of pure disgust crossed her features. "Please don't tell me your gonna sit in the bathroom at lunch and eat your lunch in there"

Even I felt disgusted at that.

"No I would never. I have other friends"

She smirked. "Who? Luke?"

I knew were she is getting at.

I scowled at her. "Stacey we're just friends"


Just friends huh? *nudges suggestively*. Thoughts on the chapter? Mike's desperate attempt to win Lana's heart.

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~ Ashley xx

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