Chapter 6 | Breakup

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C H A P T E R 6
| B R E A K U P |

"I don't know"

Of course I knew. We got it back today, although we did it like a month ago. 45%. Yup a fail.

It wasn't my fault! I got 25% off because I refused to read out the oral. I was sick and my voice was gone and she wanted me to read out a whole speech.

He smirked at me before writing down another word.


I frowned at this. "What do you mean attitude? My attitudes perfectly fine"

"Your attitude sucks, you act like a bitch at school to everyone. And you talk back to teachers everyday" he remained calm.

This left me speechless. "You sure take notice in people" I cut in before be could respond "but I can't change my attitude, I can change everything else but that"

His eyes stared at me for a moment before sighing and rubbing it off the board. "Fine, but don't talk back when your mom talks to you or to teachers either"

"Fine" I sighed.

"But I start all of this on Monday. Tomorrow I have to somehow have a fight with them so I have an excuse to not be friends with them" I voiced my thoughts.

"We go shopping tomorrow. And I'm bringing a little help" he texted someone on his phone.

"Can't wait" I sarcastically replied staring at the words on the board, this'll be easy.

Just be a good girl. Piece of cake.


Stacey walked next to me on my right with Madison on my left.

"I need you to find anything about Luke West" I told Madison.

Madison was a tall girl with short brown hair. She's known to be a huge gossiper and knows anything just from a text message. I don't know how but she just does.

She nods. "Why him?"

"Don't ask questions just do it" I ordered her. To be honest I really wanted to know because it's a secret. And secrets are mean to be spilled.

She grabbed her phone and started typing, walking in another direction.

Stacey gave me a knowing look.

I sighed. "What?"

"You know what. Why him? I know he's hot but you have a boyfriend" she pointed out.

I clenched my jaw in anger of the thought of Mike. "I know. But this is something else"

She nodded unconvinced.


I sat down next to Stacey at lunch, Madison sitting on my other side.

"So I searched his name" Madison spoke so only Sacey and I could hear.

"And?" I asked. The suspicion was killing me.

I stared at Luke who was talking to a guy. His hair was touseled. And his bright green eyes shone with brightness. For a minute his eyes flickered to mine but I quickly looked away.

"Nothing" she replied blankly.

"What do you mean nothing?" I asked.

"There was nothing on it. It's like he never existed" she simply replied.

He never existed. What the hell?

"The only thing that turned up was an entry from a year ago" she said casually.

"When he transferred here" I mumbled putting the pieces together.

"Look Lana, some people don't want people to know their secrets. If he doesn't want to tell you then leave it. Even I have deep secrets I don't want people to know" Stacey confessed.

I gave her a pointed look. "Yeah the time when you stole 20 dollars from your parents to go on a bus where a cute guy sat?" I asked.

"Yes, exactly that!" She saddened at the thought. "But hey, I got his number" she smiled proudly.

I shook my head in amusement and ate my salad.

What if he had a secret? I mean some guy wouldn't just appear out of nowhere for no reason.

My thoughts were broken from a certain person moving across the room. It was Mike with another jock. He was wearing a tight v-neck shirt and blue jeans. He was laughing with the other guy.

Almost every girl was staring at him. I scowled at the sight of him.

I ate my salad and ignored him although I could feel his burning gaze on me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey babe, why have you been ignoring my calls?" He asked casually sitting down next to me.

I gritted my teeth in anger as I spoke. "Don't babe me" I shook his hand off my shoulder roughly.

By now we had the full tables attention.

He smiled at them and leaned into my ear. "What's gotten into you?"

I scoffed. "What's wrong with me? Oh you know, just listening to the rumors. How much of a good fuck I am every night" I raised my voice slightly.

His eyes widened as he's taken back. "Babe, you and I both know these are just rumors"

"Yeah right they're rumors! They're real, and now everyone thinks I'm a slut". I was pissed. And no one was going to step in to stop me.

We now had the attention of some of the tables around us. "I bet you did this for popularity so everyone thinks your still that player"

Guilt covered him. "No it's not. I swear"

I put on my cold stare, now glaring at him. "You know how I am, about this shit. And now I have people talking about me behind my back"

He looked around cautiously now aware of the attention we were receiving but right now I didn't care. "Like I said before they're just rumors. They'll pass soon" before murmuring "Now please sit down, we're creating a scene".

"Are you serious? We're creating a scene. While we're at it why don't we tell the whole school What's going on then?" I smiled with an evil glint. I'm done playing nice.

I stood on the table catching everyone's attention. The whole cafeteria quitened down.

Mike tugged at my arm. "Lana, stop what you're about to do" he warned me.

I shoved his hand off me and gave him a last glare. I stood back up and smiled at everyone. "As most of you know Mike here has been spreading lies lately. I'd just like to say he did this for popularity and for his own ego-" I smiled at Mike who had his jaw clenched. "- of course they were never true-" everyone started talking to each other so I waited. I searched the cafeteria for a certain pair of green eyes. He was staring straight back at me. The cafeteria soon became silent so I continued. "Why may you ask? Ladies and gentlemen I am a virgin". Everyone chattered out loud. Some people gasped whilst other whistled.

I stepped down coming face to face with Mike. I leaned into his ear. "That's what you get for playing with fire" I stepped back smiling. He had his hands clenched at the side of him. His eyes held hatred.

I turned, before turning back. "Oh and we're over" I whirled my body around and walked to the exit.

How was this chapter *nudge nudge*. Things are starting to get heated now.
What do you think about Mike? And Lana. They do call her a bad girl for a reason.

And what about Luke's past.. nothing. Is he a normal average guy or is he hiding a secret? You'll find out later..

Remember to comment and vote.
~ Ashley x

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