Chapter 10

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"Yeah, but now we're going back to my place."

"So, do you live in an apartment or house?" I ask. We are currently in his car, I don't even know the name, I can't really keep up. "Do I look cheap to you." Well, that answered my question. We soon enter into a very wealthy neighborhood. When I say wealthy, I mean mansions and security everywhere kind of wealthy. He came to a stop and I looked out the window. A loud gasp escaped my mouth as I see where I would be living. He took out his phone and punched some number on in and the at least five meters gate was opened. His mansion was huge, no, that's to little a word, think of gigantic times two In length and width. The driveway was between two very green lawn.

"So, this is where you live?" I ask. "Yes, my lady. Come through" he says whilst opening the main door. At first, I wondered why one man would want to live a mansion so big, didn't he feel lonely sometimes, but when I entered his mansion, it all came together. There were already two people waiting at the door ready to take his jacket and shoes. Then three more came in with three dishes, one for each person. Xavier tasted each and picked one. At first, I thought that was all but soon an army of people came rushing at him like paparazzi all with papers pens, recorders, and high tech phones. "Mr. Stone, Sony is asking for another meeting, they would like to renegotiate the deal." A young woman who reminded of Ashley said. "Tell them to forget it." Mr. Stone," "Mr. Stone," He stopped for a few seconds to sign some papers and told them to level the rest of the papers from the most important to the least important one. "Do all these people live with you?" I asked. "Yes, they live and work for me," "but they're all so young," I say. "I need productive people, people who still have decades to live not old grannies who complain when they have a headache." He had a point though, but I do not agree with him completely.

Night time was slowing creeping in so Xavier asked a servant that was given especially to me to prepare a room for me. She told us that dinner would soon be served and ran as though preparing a room for me was her only purpose in life.

Have you ever eaten so much, you swear your stomach was about to explode? That's how I feel right now. Oh my goodness, the food was delicious, I just could not stop, and now I feel pregnant. But Xavier, oh no, Xavier finished the rest. Out of a hundred percent, I only ate thirty and he finishes the rest and then he got up he says, "I need to hire more chefs, the ones I have are not making enough food." I had to stop myself from gaging. Whilst I looked six months pregnant, you could barely see anything on his stomach, and yes, he was wearing a tight white vest, it was hard not to stare.

It was only when I settled down on my bed that I realize that not ounce had Hades occurred in my mind. Wow, this Xavier guy must be working some magic. I close my eyes and was gone.

"Lucy, where are you?" A very angry but calm Hades asked. "Why should I tell you, so you can take me back to hell," I say. "Lucy, don't you even think about me!" "Not whilst I have Xavier around," I muttered so low, I was sure he didn't hear me. "Who the hell is Xavier!"  I could tell that I was getting to him. "Oh, just some rich guy I'm living with. Oh, and guess what, he does not force himself." I was startled when I saw steam coming off Hades' body. "Lucy, if you ever want to see Scarlett again, you will tell me where you are, and if you don't tell me, I will torture her till she tells me, and then guess what," he says, mimicking me. "I kill her. So, choose wisely. Tell me where you are and spare her life or she tells me and she then dies. Tears streamed down my face as I said, "New York."  "Lucy, wake up, wake up," a male voice says. "Who is that?"  Hades asked. "Xavier," I say. He becomes so angry that he eventually evaporates.

"Lucy wake up!" I jolt up and was greeted with blue eyes. "Why are you crying, Lucy?" I touched my cheeks and wiped hot tears from them. "Nothing, just a bad dream." He looks at me with concern. "Well, dress up, high school is waiting for you."

Ooh, Is her new high school going to be the same as her old one? 💋💋

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