Chapter 6

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"Yes, I will take very good care of Lucy," my mother left and I tried to make a run for it, but the door locked itself.

"How are you feeling?" He says, but I could see through this little game that he was currently playing. "You tried to kill me!" He didn't seem fazed by me shouting. "Sit," he suddenly says. "What? Is that an order oh mighty Hades" I knew I was pushing his buttons, I was waiting for him to lose it. "I said sit!" He exclaimed. My body moved its self to the chair and sat down, what the hell is he doing to me, like he was commanding my soul or something.

"How are you feeling?" He asked again. I was surprised at how lightly he was taking this, but I decided to play this little game of his. "I'm fine, what about you, the last time I saw you, you looked like a fountain of blood, and here I was hoping you were dead. Oh, that's right, you're immortal!" we sat there for an awkward five minutes before I asked, "is the marriage still on?" He gave me a look of disgust as though he hated the word. "You are alive now, and you cannot enter a coma twice as that would be suspicious, so I will grant you your freedom, but the marriage still takes place. You should be ready to go at exactly 5pm, and this time, all of you is coming, including your physical body, I really do not disturbances."

The door opened and my mom was back and so was Mr.Evans, with his fake smile, she waved him good bye and the whole time whilst we rode home, it was Mr.Evans this and Mr.Evans that. The words she used to describe him was so sweet, it would give someone diabetes.

"So, do you want to go back to your old school or do you want to move?" My mom asked. I thought about it as she parked in the driveway. Going back would be a shock for them, considering how I look, but no matter how they treated me, all my life's work is there, awards, teachers that would give me excellent references, and just so much, and to throw that away because of how they'll treat me. Besides, I have a wedding waiting for me four hours from now.

"Damn right I'm going back." I tell my mom. " yeah, we'll see how they like you now that you look like royalty."  If only you knew. I say to my self. "In fact, we should go now. Your school is still open, and I have to renew your registration anyway, so let's go."

Nothing's changed really, Ridgewood is still the same dump it was six months ago. As I pass, the jocks were playing football. they didn't notice me at first, then someone said, "Hey, isn't that Lucy's mom?" Wow, I never thought they knew my name. "Yeah, but where's Lucy?" I waved to them and I swear, the whole practice came to halt, all eyes were on me. But then I heard the rudest thing someone can tell someone who woke up after six months of unconsciousness. Mark, the quarter back, said, "Six months and you come back with botox, a lip botch and green lens, and look, you also got your flat ass and boob fixed up. Too bad we know the real you." I can feel my body boiling with anger, my anger is so much that I could imagine him on fire, and in a blink of an eye, he was on fire. Mark was on fire! All the other players were trying to put the fire out but it looked like an eternal flame. A part of me wanted to help him, but a part of me wanted him to burn, to die so I can torture him myself in hell. So I just moved on with my mom, who for some reason did not notice the whole thing, she was too busy playing candy crush.

Listening to my mother negotiate with the principal about school fees was not really working so i asked to be excused. I wandered about the school, hoping not to get confronted again, but it felt like Hades was allowing these things to happen because as I enter into a new hall, yep, there stand an improved ashly, gone are the days of brown hair, it's now blonde. "I heard there was a new slut in town, I just didn't think it would be you, Lucy," I look at Ashley, other than dying her hair, she also got a nose job. Huh, and then they call me fake. I reply saying, " Ashley, when you say 'new', it sounds like you're referring to yourself as the old and outdated slut. I am not a slut, I'm just new and improved. And unlike you, I am improved naturally, not surgically,' I say pointing at to her nose. "Bitch, I beat you before and I can do it again!' She sends her hand to my cheeks, but they just pass through. "What the fuck is happening to you! Are you now a witch too!" I quickly took out my phone and looked at the time. 5pm on the dot. I look at my hand and see that I am fading.

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