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He didn't reply for a whole 119 seconds.

"How does it matter?" He finally asked breaking the awkward silence. "Whether he is or even if the old guy is, how does it matter."

"You're right. I guess it doesn't."

But Diana knew better. She never felt like this before. She shuddered when a voice in her head suggested that she might like him.

He was the future leader of the enemy mafia. And Diana was sure that the old guy she saw earlier was the one who killed her mom. She couldn't deal with all that.

"I miss Jake and Karter." She said resting her head on Alex's shoulder. He tensed up at her touch.

She smiled. She recalled when he used to make her nervous.

She missed that Alex. The one that oozed confidence. The one that one look at him would yell out 'heartbreaker'.

Now he just seemed to be to distracted in trying to protect her.

He placed his hand on her thigh. Right above the bandage. Diana got up and looked at him.

They never really talked about what they were. They didn't even kiss. But after everything that's happened, he wasn't a nobody. She knew that.

Before she could say anything, the cellar door opened and viper walked in.

He didn't say anything. He looked straight at Diana. His eyes wandered over her body and finally rested on Alex's hand on her thigh.

Diana could feel her skin heat up.

Viper slowly sat down, his back against the wall opposite to them.

Alex looked at her, but neither of them said anything.

"Are you guys seriously not going to tell me anything about Diana?" Viper finally asked, his voice deep.

They didn't reply.

Viper sighed. "I just want to know if she is okay? If she is being treated right? Cause when we attacked, we had news that she was kept in the dungeon."

"You want to know if she is Okay?" Alex asked confused.

"Marrying her was my mom's wish. Last one, as far as I know. I don't want to force her into marrying me. But I do want to make sure she is being treated like a queen. Cause if she is treated like anything else, my mom wouldn't be satisfied."

Diana let out a laugh. She couldn't hold it in.

Treated like a queen. She was treated like a queen. Till she was kidnapped and put in a cell.

Viper raised his eyebrow, his lip slightly forming a smirk. "What?"

"If anything, she was being treated like a queen till you showed up." She said.

He looked genuinely surprised. But not surprised about what she was saying. More like surprised because she was actually saying something.

"Now, she is probably being moved from one place to another to avoid your men." She went on.

He nodded his head slightly.

"You sound like you were close?" He asked her.

Diana shrugged her shoulders.

"She wouldn't like me if she knew how I am treating you right now." He said getting up. "So I allow the both of you to get out of your cell tomorrow. There will be guards following you everywhere, but at least it will be a change."

He knocked on the cell door. A guard opened it from outside.

Before he walked out, he looked at Diana.

The Mafia Queen┃✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora