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Karter had been 5 years old when Diana had been born.
She could imagine a small Karter waiting at home expecting a little baby to come. Instead, he had lost his parents.
That would have been too much to handle itself, but on top of that, he had a mafia to take care of.

Diana was sitting in her room.

Alexander had called and said that they would leave in ten minutes.

Turns out Karter had actually convinced Jake's parents that both her and Jake were at a camp. And that they would be back in a few days.

Diana changed from her shorts to ripped jeans and a tank top.

Jake entered the room

"Hey. Can we talk?"

Diana motioned to the bed.

"Di, I don't like lying to my parents." He said sitting down.

Diana raised her eyebrows. His parents still didn't know he was gay.

"Okay." He surrendered. "I don't like lying about this. They adopted you. They should know about your life. Especially since your going to live here now."

"I'm not so sure about that. I mean yes I have my brother here, but I don't know if this is my life."

"Really? Well, that's probably because you couldn't see how you looked when you beat that guy at the club. You looked badass. The other guys wouldn't come near you. And that's not just because of the gun. At that time even I was scared of you. " he said.

Diana looked at him. He wasn't lying.

"Mhm." She replied and quickly walked back into the closet.

Jake had seen her beat bullies up and suddenly beating up a guy in a club scared him? Sure there were guns. But still.

Diana was about to leave the closet when she saw it. A black leather jacket.

She had never seen it in the closet before

Diana wasn't someone who would stare at themselves in the mirror but wearing the black leather jacket, black tank top and ripped jeans Diana felt that she did look badass.

She looked like how she would have looked if she wasn't adopted.

Someone knocked on the door. Alexander.

"Hey. You decent?" He asked coming in. He was wearing a jacket similar to hers.

"You know you're supposed to ask that before coming in?" She asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"You look nice by the way." He said and walked out.

Diana felt a blush form on her cheek.

She followed him outside. Jake was waiting.

"Alright. Listen. We're going to go to your house, say Hello, get the box, say goodbye, and leave." He said. "I'm Diana's boyfriend. We've been dating for a week. That's it. Got It?"

Jake nodded.

Alexander then led them to a room Diana hadn't been to. Weapons.

There were all kinds. From handguns to rifles to snipers.

Alexander picked up a handgun and placed at his back near his belt. His jacket hid it well.

He then took two more and handed them out to her and Jake.

"You know how to use them right?" He asked.

Jake nodded.

"Alright. Let's go." Alexander said.

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