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A Few Weeks Later

Sherlock had by chance glanced at the calendar that John had set up in the kitchen and realized that he and Adelaide had successfully passed the one month mark in their relationship. They'd survived their first three arguments as a couple, six dates, nine including cases, meeting each other's families and he had managed not to drive her off. Their arguments had not been trivial either. One had been about how to handle Mycroft. Another about Sherlock's diet; Adelaide had won that one.

The most recent one had happened because she had accompanied him and John on a case and had gotten separated from them in a crowd. Sherlock had gotten upset because she hadn't phoned to tell them where she was- John could attest that the detective had started to panic when his girlfriend vanished from his side- and she had argued that it was because she thought she could catch up and that they'd run her phone battery down already- thus she had to conserve the charge. She did catch up to them eventually but John had to mediate the argument that had ensued.

The argument between two introverts who each had a surprisingly powerful command of language, both bodily and verbal, had tempted John to just stand back and watch from a safe distance instead of intervening. But the army doctor had been able to help them settle the conflict once he had brought them both to agreeable terms.

Sherlock reflected as he plucked out a tune on his violin. He had surprised himself more than anyone else with how well he had assumed the role of boyfriend to Adelaide. He no longer felt strange calling himself that, or having her or anybody else call him that. It was a title he prized as much as being John's best friend and partner.

By the same token, he valued being able to call Adelaide his girlfriend. he knew all too well that she could find another man who wasn't, for instance, being shot at or threatened on a daily basis and who wasn't a sociopath. But she had fallen for him and he was determined not to lose her because of his own actions.

And so far, she hadn't left him. Despite knowing about Sherlock's past drug addictions, as he had at last worked up the guts to tell her two weeks before, and most of his other mistakes and misdeeds, she accepted him and saw past the flaws. She still didn't know anything about his two year absence besides that he had been declared "dead" and had returned to save London. She didn't know what had happened with Magnussen, or about Mary.  Eventually he would tell her but she was still wrapping her head around everything she had already knew.

A soft knocking at the door pulled him out of his thinking. Sherlock put his violin down and looked over to spy Adelaide in the doorway, smiling gently. He smiled back and stood up to walk over and greet her, "Another good day at work, Adelaide?" He pressed a kiss to her lips and she returned it.

"Yes, it was a good day. How was yours?"

"It was typical until I realized something."

"Oh? And what's that?" He saw the hopeful spark in her eyes and smirked.

"We have been dating for a month. I must not be a terrible boyfriend if you've stayed with me this long." She chuckled and nudged him playfully.

"Hey, you're a great  boyfriend, Sherlock. Don't shortchange yourself."

"Despite my-"

"Yes, despite all that."  She reached up and kissed his cheek, leaving an imprint of her light pink lip gloss there. He snaked his arms around her and held her there.

"I believe  that it is a tradition to commemorate this sort of occasion."

"Anniversaries are  special."

He smiled and pecked her on the lips, "Angelo's?"

She giggled, "Sounds wonderful!"

"Excellent! Shall we then?"

"Of course, Sherlock," His lips quirked up and he grabbed his coat and scarf. As he put them on she giggled again and wiped off the lipstick stain on his cheek, "There."

"I would have worn it with pride, Adelaide." Sherlock commented. She shrugged playfully.

"I'm sure you can get more later."  At this he winked, smirking.

"Down, girl."

"Who? Me?"

He chuckled and kissed her temple, "Let's get going then. We need to stop off on the way."

"For what?"

"Too many questions. You'll see."

"Alright, alright!" They linked arms and made their way to the street. He flagged a taxi and on the way to Angelo's  they stopped for him to pick up a red carnation and red rose for her, twined together with a white ribbon. He'd deliver the rest of the arrangement to her office the next day (Adelaide enjoyed them so he made sure that she always had a vase filled with fresh flowers in her office).

As always, they had a wonderful dinner at Angelo's  and then walked back to her flat together. She unlocked her door and turned around to face him, "Thank you another great evening, Sherlock."

"And thank you, Adelaide, for a wonderful first month of our relationship."

They leaned in and kissed. Unfortunately Peter had come up the stairs and saw them. He laughed and teased, "Get a room, Lovebirds!!"

Adelaide smirked at him and pulled Sherlock into her flat with her, slamming the door, "He doesn't have to watch."

"Of course not. But we could have made a spectacle." They both burst out laughing, recalling the look of utter shock on Peter's face when she'd dragged Sherlock inside.

When Sherlock left a couple minutes later, he didn't care that he had four distinct lipstick marks. He bade Peter good night and relished his perturbed expression as he left. All is right with the world.

Thank you so much for reading and for your support!! I hope you will stick around for the sequel! Love you guys! 😘

Special Shout-Outs::






See you in the next book! #SHERLAIDE

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