M.H. {Adelaide}

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The Next Morning

I have the morning off, so I'm putting out food and water for Hercule and Nancy to start the day when my phone vibrates. I finish and then pick it up. It's a text.

Come quietly and quickly. There is a sedan waiting outside. Get in the car. Bring nothing. -MH

I stare at it for a full minute and a chill crawls up my spine. M.H. Mycroft Holmes? Sherlock did say that he wasn't happy with our relationship but should I actually listen to him?

Probably. I slip my phone into my back pocket and hurry out. Sure enough there is a black car waiting with a chauffeur holding the back passenger door, "Adelaide Cavanagh." He states and I nod. He waves me forward and I get into the backseat. The second I'm in, he shuts the door firmly and I find myself sitting next to a formal business-dressed woman. She doesn't look up from her mobile, "Phone, please."

"Wh-Who are you?"

"Anthea. Phone, please," I reluctantly hand it over and she slips it into her purse, "No you can't know where we're going."



I lean back against the seat and sigh. What if this is actually a kidnapping? And I just walked right into it?

It's a very long drive to wherever we're going. I almost fall asleep on the way, only to have Anthea nudge me awake, "Come on."

I get out of the car and she follows, taking the lead. It's another long walk through dimmed cement hallways until we reach a door and she gestures to it, "In there."

"A-Alright..?" I cautiously step in and find myself in an office. At the desk at the other end of the room sits a tall man with dark brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a tan suit with a vest. He stands up and gives me a cold smile.

"Good Evening, Miss Adelaide Bree Cavanagh." He greets, emphasizing my full name.

"G-Good Evening..."

"Do come over here and sit."

"Who are you?" I inquire as I approach and sit down. Stiff and upright.

"Mycroft Holmes. The elder brother of your current boyfriend. I know he's mentioned me to you."

I nod, "H-He has."

"Well then, Miss Cavanagh, we shall cut to the point, as I'm sure you're curious why I brought you here."

"Sherlock said that you aren't... supportive of his decision to date me."

"Indeed. Because sentiment is a chemical flaw found on the losing side. It is a disadvantage to Sherlock's genius. And by pursuing this fling with you, he is making himself vulnerable and weak."

"But... everyone's emotional, Mister Holmes."

"Oh?" He tilts his head and smiles sarcastically, "Then tell me how I am sentimental, Miss Cavanagh."

I inhale and shift a bit, "W-Well, If sounds to me like you're constantly worried for Sherlock. That's sentiment. You're also upset with him asking me to be his girlfriend, which is also sentiment. Your fear of Sherlock being hurt or losing to someone or something is what is driving you to try and keep him from it, The snooty sarcasm in his face fades away and his features darken. I gulp and dare to take it a step further, "You love your brother, don't you? In your own way. You don't want him to suffer or get into too much trouble."

He inhales sharply, "And how would you see that in me?"

"I have a younger brother too, Mister Holmes. Sometimes I can't stand him but I'd do almost anything for him. I protect him because I want to. And that's love, put simply I guess."

Mycroft levels a heavy stare at me, "So you would do the same for Sherlock? Watch after him and protect him?"

"Yes. Of course I will. I want to help him in any way I possibly can."

His eyes trace over me and I shift uncomfortably under his gaze. Then he speaks in a low tone, "He has never had a girlfriend before. There is a reasonable chance he might perform poorly."

"Real relationships aren't performances. Do you r-really not want Sherlock, your younger brother, to be happy?"

He purses his lips, "It's a matter of keeping him from self-destruction. His attachment to you already runs deep. The slightest happens and it will all crumble."

"Mister Holmes-"

"You are being monitored, Miss Cavanagh. Good Day."

Without another word, Anthea returns and whisks me back to the car. I try to wrap my head around what's just happened. I just met Sherlock's brother and I'm hoping everything settles down.


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