Expertise (I)

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Two Weeks Later

At first when Lestrade had called to ask for his help on a peculiar case involving a large suburban home packed with exotic wildlife, Sherlock hadn't wanted it and thought it was a joke. John thought the same and they'd shared a chuckle before The DI actually called and told them that the case was approaching a level eight.

That, combined with a realization on Sherlock's part that he might see Adelaide at the crime scene since she was part of a special rescue task force, was enough to get the brunette out the door. John was perturbed when Sherlock suddenly changed his mind and bolted out of 221B, but followed anyway.

John still knew nothing about Adelaide, while he had long suspected that Sherlock had been making visits to someone pretty regularly. He didn't look nearly as lonely and hadn't been using again, so John would be glad if his suspicions were correct and Sherlock had indeed made a new friend.

The scene was packed with police cruisers and vans. The cabbie dropped the duo off further away than preferable but they didn't care and jumped out anyway. John paid and jogged a bit to catch up to his long legged best friend, "So, exactly why did you change your mind, mate?"

"An entire house housing exotic animals? I don't normally handle cases of extreme poaching. Could be interesting." Sherlock explained, eyes searching the small mob of officers and staff. John nodded and kept up.

"So this is a poaching case?"

"Yes, John. The animals were obviously illegally collected and taken from their native habitats. Exotic animals, especially the rarer, protected species, go for very high sums." Sherlock pulled this information from the discussions that he and Adelaide had had. Adelaide happened to be very knowledgeable about the global animal trade and the issues of poaching, exploitation, and species endangerment, among other things. Thus, Sherlock predicted that she might be present. If she was then he had direct access to the information he would likely need to assess the case.

John yanked him around a police car before the detective could walk into it, "Watch it, Sherlock!"

"Mm?" Sherlock wasn't fazed. John rolled his eyes and tsked.

"You nearly planted into the cruiser there, mate."

"I was... thinking."

"Obviously." Sherlock almost chuckled at his friend.

Soon enough they met up with Lestrade and Donovan, "Oi! I was wondering when or if you'd show up, Sherlock!"

"The cabbie dropped us further away, Garrett. Now, details for the case?" Sherlock enquired.

"A few neighborhood kids were roughing around and decided to break in since apparently no one lives here. Ended up finding, or rather hearing, many animals in crates and cages. Got out and called the force. We're just waiting on a team to get here for the animals themselves."

"Estimate for the number of animals?"

"Not accurate. We haven't gone in because the animal rescue team has precedence."

Sherlock nodded, "Certainly seems logical to wait for the experts on this. This is certainly poaching but depending on the species we could be looking at a specialist- a collector of sorts."

"Since when did you know all about poaching? Take a class in it?" Donovan chided. Sherlock ignored her.



"You're not a veterinarian but poached animals are frequently injured or sick."

"I'll help in whatever capacity I can if they are." John assured. He'd taken a course or two in school.


A few minutes later, a large Lorry pulled up with the appropriate markings. Lestrade, Sherlock and John went over to greet whomever had been dispatched. Two tall, bulky guys hopped out first, followed by a third, shorter and leaner man. Sherlock smirked when he saw a pair of size seven heavy duty boots plant on the ground. I was correct, as always. John noticed his change in expression and looked for the cause of it, but Sherlock disappeared around the lorry before he could ask why he was smirking.

Sherlock slipped up behind Adelaide, who was dressed in dark green cargo pants, a beige museum task force shirt just peeking out of her dark blue bomber jacket with identical markings, and a dark blue ball cap with insignia. Her hair was pulled back in a low, inverted ponytail, "Hello, Adelaide."

She jolted and dropped her clipboard as she yanked around, "Sherlock!?!"

"I was confident you would be dispatched."

She picked up her clipboard and took a breath to calm her system, "Yeah, I'm on call for these poaching busts and such. I didn't think you'd be interested in these."

"Well, I figured that since my data in this field is somewhat scant, that you would provide the information I need."


John and Lestrade came around, "Oi! Sherlock-!"

The two froze when they saw Sherlock standing closely, and casually, next to one of the dispatched rescue staff. The detective turned his head, "What?"

"Who's that, Sherlock?" John asked, inwardly excited. The woman blushed as Sherlock smirked a little more.

"This is my friend- Miss Adelaide Cavanagh. She is a Zoologist and animal handler at the Natural History Museum and ZSL. Adelaide, John Watson and DI Lestrade." Sherlock introduced.

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A/N: I was going to get this done earlier but I've been busy with Graduation and Prom and ended up in the ER this morning, so I'm sorry for making you all wait!!

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