Exception {Adelaide}

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He closes the door behind him and slowly walks to my desk, "I confess that I did not think John would actually come and talk to you."

"It was a bit of a shock to see him in my office with no warning." I say lightly, trying to lighten the air.

"What exactly did he talk to you about?"

"He asked about my ankle-"

"Yes, that," He comments and rounds the corner of my desk. His eyes pinpoint the injured body part. Since I'm wearing flats today my ankle, which bruised a tiny bit, is exposed, "I trust you iced it as was suggested?"

"Yes. I iced it and kept it up. It feels much better now. It was a minor injury anyway."

Sherlock hums, "What else did John speak to you about?"

"He asked whether I thought you and I had become close... and said that you had been acting strangely since you took me home."

"Did he," He takes a breath, "Did he ask about what I commonly talk to you about?"

I nod, "Yes. But I only told him that you vent to me about things like cases and people. Nothing specific."

He blinks and tilts his head at me, "You didn't tell him... about..?"

"No, Sherlock. I'm your confidante. I won't tell anyone about what you discuss with me unless you give your express permission. It's personal and private to you, and I know it takes a lot of trust for you to tell me those things." I reply as sincerely as possible. His gray blue eyes fix on me.

"He asked you something else, though. What was it?" I gulp and fight the blush that wants to overtake my face again as I remember what John asked me.

"It wasn't anything, really... just a question."

"Considering that John visited you to investigate our friendship and what happened a week ago, I deduce that the question directly pertained to me."


He continues, "And taking into account your physical reaction, that deduction is confirmed."

The blush in my cheeks gets so hot it's painful. But I know it won't help anything if I hide my face, so I try to will my cheeks to return to normal while I stammer, "W-Why are you so interested in what John asked me? He could have asked me any number of things."

He presses his lips into a line and shifts on his feet, "I don't need to guess what he asked you. I know what the question was."

"So..?" I weakly respond while lowering my gaze.

He doesn't say anything for a good minute. Then he clears his throat, "I'm not a sentimental person. I'm an apathetic, selfish sociopath with little regard for humans in general."

"I know, Sherlock."

"You didn't let me finish, Adelaide," Sherlock cuts in. I tense up, "But I do make rare exceptions. I just needed a week to determine whether or not you are one of those select few."

I dare to peek up at him, "And..?"

"... You are an exception."

"Really?!" I'm actually genuinely surprised.

"Yes. And I don't regret giving you that kiss either. But I'll let John fret over it anyways. It's amusing."

I blush again, "So I'm your... friend?"

"Yes. I hope it is mutual?" I nod fervently.

"O-Of course, Sherlock!" He gives me a gentle smile and my heart skips a beat.

"Perfect. Because I need an assistant for a case and I only bring friends. I don't suppose you're too busy to join me?"

"No! Of course not! I'd love to help!" I blurt out, jumping to my feet.

"Excellent. Shall we then?"

Thank you for reading!!

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