Scouting Out

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Three Days Later

Sherlock inhaled and finally knocked on the door, You're just here to ask discreet questions and voyeur around a bit. If she figures this out then it's back to square one.

It had taken him a few days to come to terms with his new feelings for her. They were nothing like what he'd ever experienced before. And now that he'd acknowledged them, he was no longer oblivious to the alterations in his behavior and somewhat understood the sensations he got when he was around, or talking to, Adelaide.

Sherlock had also debated with himself on whether or not he truly wanted to step out of his box and pursue her. The issue had been quickly settled when he witnessed one of Adelaide's coworkers flirting playfully with her. The sharp, intense pang of hurt and longing that came with the short bout of jealousy was what sealed the deal. John had teased him for not going up and "sweeping her off her feet". But Sherlock couldn't have if he wanted to. He didn't know how.

The doorknob rattled and the slab of wood swung open. Adelaide, a tad pink, smiled up at him, "Oh, h-hi, Sherlock!"

He smiled lightly and maintained his composure, "Good Morning, Adelaide. You won't mind if I come in?"

She shook her head and stepped to the side. He entered and she blushed, "Erm, is there anything you need me for, Sherlock?"


"Of course! Just a minute!" She hurried to the kitchen and he found her bookshelves. He had to determine what approach would suit her. And judging from her selection of books and pictures, he quickly confirmed that she was a shy romantic. So she would probably respond well to something small, "Here, Sherlock."

He returned to the present and accepted the cuppa, "Thank you, Adelaide."

"No problem, Sherlock." He paced to the armchair and sat down. His mind was running with ideas and with Adelaide right there, it was the perfect opportunity to ask her indirectly for preferences, etcetera.

"You've had boyfriends in the past?"

She flushed red, "Y-Yeah, I have."

"Three or four?"

"Four," Sherlock nodded, adding the information to his mind palace. Four meant she had experience and that she most likely knew what she did and did not like, "Why are you asking about them?"

"Your bookshelf. I was looking through it and saw. It seems that one of them was high society."



"W-Well, he was from the upper class but I wouldn't say he was from high society."

"Elaborate?" She hesitated and he looked up at her, "Out of the four, he is clearly the most recent and looked more interesting than the others."

"Oh," She sat down on the futon and pulled Hercule into her lap, "He was from a reasonably wealthy family. But they weren't classy, high society people. Pretty down to earth and mild mannered."

"And why did you end your relationship? Out of curiosity?"

She exhaled deeply, "He was a great guy. I liked him and his family a lot. We just weren't feeling that... spark. And he ended up getting so busy that we couldn't spend enough time together- which led us to drift apart. So we broke it off."

Sherlock tapped one finger on the side of his teacup. Seeing her reaction to such personal questions, he decided to change the topic, "I saw on your calendar that you are going to be gone next week."

"Yep, I got selected for another field trip. This one's across the pond in the Sonoran Desert. I'll be working with reptiles, mainly."

"Interesting. A rather warm place to visit." This earned a laugh from her.

"Yeah. It should be interesting though. I'm hoping to see a Gila Monster there."

"Aren't they poisonous?"

"Yes. So I'll admire from a distance."


Sherlock finished his tea and got up to put the cup back in the kitchen. I'll ask her after her trip. That should provide ample time to prepare, relearn what I deleted and practice.

Thank you for reading!!

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