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The sun was just starting to set as we ran down the empty streets to Philips house. At the front gate I paced impatiently as Natalie fumbled to unlock the gate with the key. When it finally was open we ran across the grass to the house where Natalie unlocked the door and we ran in.
"Where do you think she could be?!" I ask desperately as I can feel my adrenaline surging through my body.
"You check upstairs and I'll check downstairs." Natalie orders me and I nod as I quickly take off up the stairs and begin searching through the rooms. I had only been upstairs once and the house was quite large so there were a lot of rooms to check. I found a bathroom and a closet and the guest bedroom I had once slept in. I pulled open one door near the end of the hall and flipped on the light at which point I gasped and uneducated took a few steps back. It wasn't Jessica, it was hundreds and hundreds of pictures of me plastered up on the walls. Candid photos of me at school and walking around town and even some more blurry photos of me in my bedroom with the blinds half open. Also in the room was a bed and a writing desk on which a journal lay open. I walked over and thumbed through the open page.

"I thought I could give up but I guess that was just a delusion. Jessica is a wonderful person, smart and outgoing with lots of charisma but she is nothing like my Y/n. I thought she would make a witty replacement but in the end my heart still beats only for my angel. To make matters worse, Jessica is starting to act more defiant. I found her in my room today going through my things. I had no choice. I had to stop her. She was going to tell Y/n. I couldn't have her scaring my angel."
The journal entry dated back nearly a month ago and I sighed upon realizing that this was the day Jessica went missing.
"Where are you?" I asked myself as my fingers left the page to search the rest of the room. I looked in the closet and in the attached bathroom but there was no one there. I was just about to leave the room and keep looking when I took note of scratch marks on the wooden floor near the bed. I knelt down next to the bed to examine them closer and in doing so slightly lifted the bed skirt. I stifled a gasp as I caught sight of the foot just barely peaking out from under the covers. I quickly pulled up the rest of the skirt and looked under and there I saw my sister, Jessica, bound and gagged with her hair matted and ratty and her closed eyes crusted over with tears.

"JESSICA!" I screamed as I reached under and pulled my sister out by her arm. I layed her in my lap as I pressed my ear to her chest to listen for a beat. There was a steady beating of her heart as well as a rise and fall in her breath that made me sigh heavily in relief.

"NATALIE I FOUND HER!" I screamed from the room. "GET UP HERE QUICKLY AND HELP ME!" I immediately went to work untying Jessica's hands. Once released I saw the red bruising of her wrist and held back tears as I removed the gag from her mouth and shook her, lightly at first, by the shoulders trying to wake her up.

"Jessica, please wake up!" I cried as I shook her a bit harder. I felt a stiffening in her body as she groaned slightly and fluttered one eye open. When she saw me both eyes snapped open as she broke down n sobs and lept into my chest where her fingers dug in deep into the fabric of my shirt.

"Y/N!? THANK GOD!" She cried pitifully as she buried her head into my neck before quickly pulling back. "Y/N we have to get out of here! It's Philip! He's nuts!"

"I know. Don't worry Natalie already called the police." I said calmly trying to settle her down.

"Natalies here?"



I looked back at the open bedroom door leading to the stairwell. Surely she must have heard me so why wasn't she here by now.

"Let's get out of here." I said to Jessica as I helped to bring her to her feet and walk her out of the room. Jessica's body was weak and she clung to me as we walked down the stairs. Stepping into the livingroom I immediately took note of how eerily silent it was.

"Natalie?" I called out. After a few seconds of silence I heard footsteps from the kitchen and then I saw Natalie turn the corner with Philip standing one step behind holding a knife to her throat.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." Philip muttered as he kept a hard grip on Natalies arm while the knife hovered over the surface of her neck. At my side Jessica shook violently as her fingers dug into my shirt and her legs wobbled as she struggled to stay standing.

"Philip. Put the knife down." I said calmly and I could see the boy start to tear up as he just kept repeating himself.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm a good person-"

"YOU KILLED DANNY!" Natalie screamed and I shot her a look saying please for the love of god just keep silent. By now it had definitely been over fifteen minutes and I could hear the police sirens down the street only they weren't coming here they were going to Natalies house. They had no idea what was happening here.

"I did it for you." Philip muttered as his eyes locked on mine and cold shivers ran up and down my spine. "Everything was always for you."

"But I loved him."

"But he didn't deserve you! I saw how he acted. He didn't deserve to breathe the same air. He took you for granted and for that he paid dearly."

"Philip. Please stop." I pleaded as I could see all sanity slowly begin to drain from his eyes.

"You have always been my angel and I regret not having the courage to talk to you sooner. But I wasn't worthy. No one is worthy."

Phip went on muttering to himself in a hushed tone as I slipped Jessica off of my arm and slowly walked closer. When we stood just a few feet apart he looked down at me with innocent looking eyes.

"Please forgive me." He begged, his clear orbs hazy with tears. I  cautiously took Natalies free arm and looked up at Philip.

"Let her go."

There was a long moment of silence and then I heard Philip mutter something under his breathe as he released his hold on Natalie. The second he did Natalie swung around and punched him straight in the jaw as she grabbed the knife from him and slashed at his neck. Blood sprayed everywhere as the blade cut deep into his shoulder narrowly missing his throat. Jessica screamed and ran out of the house as I grabbed Natalie by the arms to stop her from slashing down at Philip again.

"Naver forgive! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" She screamed as she broke down in sobs. In the distance I could sirens again slowly drawing closer as I pulled Natalie by the arm out of the house.

The police arrived and Philip was arrested and taken to the hospital for treatment. Me, Natie, and Jessica had to go down to the police station where mom had to come pick us up. When She walked in and saw Jessica she broke down sobbing as she clung to her daughter.

"Thank you for saving me." Natalie said quietly as mom went with Jesica to give her statement to the police.

"Thank you. You helped me get my sister back. I couldn't have done it without you. Without you I never would've even figured out that Philip was behind the whole thing." I muttered. Natalie smiled weakly at me as she wrapped her hand around mine and squeezed it gently.

The following days went by in a blur as my family slowly tried to piece our lives together again. It took time but eventually we were able to live with some level of normality. Natalie and I became great friends as we spent most of our free time together. Jessica stopped partying and drinking so much and started focusing more on school and less on romantic relationships. Philip was arrested and I never saw him again, even though I did still think of him occasionally. But most importantly, I never forgot Danny and every year to this day we still hold a party in his memory with just Jessica, Natalie, and I. We never forgot what happened and we never forgot the great person we lost along the way.

R.I.P Danny

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