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"Are you okay?"

I look up from my cellphone into the worried face of Danny as we walk away from school together. Friday had not come soon enough but now that it was here I found myself sidetracked by the mysterious texts I had been receiving on my phone. The messages were simple yet creepy and left me with a bad feeling. The only people I had told about the messages were my sister Jessica, who didnt seem to really give a damn, and Danny whom I only told because he saw some of the messages pop up on my phone screen earlier when we were hanging out together.

"I'm fine." I mutter as I turn off my phone but keep it clutched in my hand. Danny only knew the bare minimum of what the messages were about and I had made sure to leave out the threats I had been recieving all day yesterday about how I shouldnt be spending so much time with Danny and that we needed to stay away from each other. I didn't hold much merit in the threats but I was worried that Danny may take them seriously and stop hanging out with me so I kept my mouth shut.

"Tell me if you think this is strange, but has your sister been acting off while at home?" Danny asks as we turn a corner and head out onto the main shopping street.

"Jessica mostly keeps to herself while at home." I answer. "Why?"

"Natalie has been complaining about her behavior lately. She says that the girl is completely out of control and she's worried Jessica is going to embarrass herself." Danny explained.

"I heard something similar but I cant say I've noticed much of a difference at home. That's mostly due to the fact that she's not there. She's been spending a lot more time out with friends."

There's a weird moment of silence as we turn down the street and come to stand in front of a small cafe.

"Is this the place?" I ask as I eye the small line of customers lined up at the door.

"Yep." Danny says. "I made reservations so we should be able to just walk right in."

He quickly moves past the small crowd and into the store where the waitress checks the name on her reservation list and then sees us to a table. Sitting across from Danny I suddenly feel somewhat nervous with the small table and close atmosphere. Danny orders us a whole bunch of food while I sit there in silence and as he gives the menu back to the waitress our hands touch under the table. I immediately pull away but Danny grabs y fingers and pulls my hand closer so our fingers are intertwined under the table. I look up at him and see the slight pink tint in his cheeks as he avoids eye contact and stares blankly off into the distance.

"Do you dislike it?" He finally asks as his eyes land on me and pink tint grows. I blush in return and look down all the while shaking my head.

"I-I don't mind." I mutter and I see Danny smile out of the corner of my eye as our food arrives and he lets go of my hand to eat. We eat in silence for what feels like an eternity but was probably less than twenty minutes. After we pay the bill we exit the store and stand awkwardly on the sidewalk.

"I'm just going to say it now before I lose the courage." Danny says. "Y/n, I really like you. Would you go out with me?"

I look at him wide-eyed as I blush and look away. I cant say I'm surprised since I was expecting this but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing or awkward.

"I would love to." I whisper and am immediately lifted off the floor as Danny swoops me up in a hug and twirls me around a little.

"I'M SO HAPPY! I CANT BELIEVE YOU SAID YES!" He beams as he laughs a little before putting me down and gazing down at me.

"I promise you won't regret it. I make a good boyfriend."

I cant help but laugh at his sudden seriousness as I playfully punch him in the arm as he reels back and gives me a fake look of pain. I'm so wrapped up in my own happiness that I barely feel the buzz in my pocket alerting me that I have a text. 'Its probably Jessica wondering where I am.' I think to myself but its not. The screen lights up and I recognize the number immediately as that of my self-proclaimed 'secret admirer'. I quietly growl in frustration as i turn off the phone without checking the text. 'He is not going to ruin this moment for me.' I think to myself as Danny and I start walking back to my house. Along the way my phone continues to buzz in my pocket as I keep getting text after text. I ignore it until we reach the intersection where Danny stops to face me.

"I guess this is where we part." He says sadly as his house and mine are in opposite directions.

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" I ask and Danny beams as he nods his head yes.

"I'll come meet you at your house and we can watch movies. Just ext e when you want me to come over." He says as he turns to walk away but then stops and comes back to stand in front of me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask and before I can say another word Danny quickly leans down and kisses me on the cheek before taking off at a full sprint down the street.

"SORRY NOT SORRY!" He screams back at me as his laughter follows. I bring a hand up to my cheek and smile as I am sure my face is all shades of red right now.

"He's such a dork." I say with a giggle as I take off towards my house. Jessicas car is parked in the driveway as I run up the drive and quickly unlock the door and enter the house.

"Jessica? Are you here?" I call for my sister as I put down my school bag and turn into the living room. Immediately there is a loud crash as the window to my right shatters into a million tiny pieces. I scream as my legs give out and I fall to my knees.

"What's going on?!" I hear Jessica yell from upstairs as her footsteps follow and she appears at the top of the stairs. I quickly point to the shattered window and the large rock that was thrown through it.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Jessica curses as she runs upstairs to put on some shoes before coming back to wade through the broken glass. As she examines the window I hear a knock on the door behind me and go to answer it only to find a single rose lying on the doorstep along with a small note with two words written in messy cursive.

"You're mine."

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