Drunk Nights

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I stopped receiving gifts. Small packages no longer appeared in my school locker and I no longer found letters taped to my front door from my crazy secret admirer/stalker. Everything was at peace which all in all made me even more nervous than the start.

"You need to calm down." Danny soothed me as we sat on the downstairs couch watching a movie. It was late and my mom was out at a business dinner and my sister was out at a party. It was just the two of us alone in the dark and while that should have made me nervous I instead found it to be the most calming thing on my mind.

"You should be happy that the letters stopped. It means that the guy moved on." Danny told me. He knew all about the letters and gifts I had been receiving and to be frank it worried him. So now that the admirer was gone, Danny was in a great mood as he no longer felt he had to hide his affection for me.

"I know that." I mumbled as I cuddled in closer to him. "But I still cant help this feeling of dread that keeps welling up in my stomache."

"Are you sure thats not just gas?" He said and I playfully punched him in the stomache as we leaned back and focused our attention on the movie.

"Look at these love birds being all flirty!" A voice behind me giggled. I looked over my shoulder to see Jessica standing in the doorway with Philip just a few steps behind her.

"What are you doing home so early?" I asked as I checked the clock and saw that it was barely ten.

"We got kicked out of Natalies." Philip said shamefully before Jessica had a chance to shush him.

"You got kicked out!? What did you do!?" Danny asked. He was good friends with Natalie and knew she wouldnt toss anyone out on the street without a good reason.

"I didn't do nothing." Jessica screeched, a slight slur in her voice told me she was wasted.

"Is she drunk?" I whispered to Philip as Jessica trotted into the kitchen. The tall boys face went red as he slowly nodded and followed after Jessica into the kitchen just as we heard a loud crashing of pots and pans. I groaned and jumped to my feet as I followed Philip into the kitchen to find Jessica on the floor with pans scattered about her feet.

"Wrong drawer." She muttered in her intoxicated daze as she pointed to the overhead cabinet in which the pots and pans had fallen from.

"Help me pick her up." I ordered Philip as the two of us each took an arm and hoisted her to her feet before dragging her out of the kitchen and upstairs to her bedroom. We threw her on the bed and then left her there to go back down and clean things up.

"Im sorry about my sister. She isn't usually this big a mess." I told Philip as we walked together back down the stairs.

"Its fine." He muttered. We turned into the kitchen to find Danny already there putting away the last of the pots and pans.

"Thanks babe." I think him as I give him a quick peck on the cheek. I then turn back to Philip who for some reason is staring at us quite intensely. I don't get it at first but then I remember that I look just like Jessica so to him it must be weird seeing a girl who looks just like your girlfriend kiss another guy. 

"I should probably go now." Philip says quickly as he starts to dart for the door.

"WAIT!" I call after him as I catch him in the doorway. "I wanted to talk to you real quick about Jessica."

"What about her?"

"Look, I don't know how long you have known her but her behavior recently has been strange. I just wanted to ask you to look out for her. I don't know whats wrong but she is obviously troubled by something."

Philip smiles down at me a small but genuine smile.

"You are really nice. You seem to care a lot for your sister."

"Well she is my sister, after all." I answer with a smile.

"I promise I'll take good care of her."

"Thanks."I say as he quickly waves goodbye and takes off down the street to his red truck. I watch him go before turning back inside and joining Danny on the couch. We finish the movie and then he leaves and I go to bed only to be surprised to find Jessica laying in it.

"Jessica, this isn't your room." I tell her as I lightly shake her shoulder. She groans and looks up at me.

"Why are you so happy?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You used to be a shut in and now you got a boyfriend and shit and you are going out with friends......what happened to my nobody sister, the one who needed me?"

"Is that whats been bothering you lately?"

"Nothings bothering me." She groans.

"Well something obviously is."

She takes a second of silence as she looks me over.

"You look so much like me and yet you are nothing like me and I find that frustrating." She grumbles. "Is it wrong to want you to be alone again, to want you to go back to being my shadow?"

"Is it bad that I'm happy now?" I ask.

"No. I want you to be happy, but I wanted to be the one to make you happy."

"In a way you did though."

She looks up at me and I can see the mascara smeared across her cheeks and my bed pillow.

"How so?"

"You brought me to Natalie's party which in turn led me to meeting Danny so in a way you introduced us."

She mules it over a second and smiles.

"I did that?"

"Yes you did. By forcing me to step out of my comfort zone you brought Danny and me together which in turn helped me make new friends. My happiness is all thanks to you!"

By now Jessica is beaming at me. She sits up and stretches as she wraps her arms around my shoulders. 

"I have something for you." She mutters as she gets up quickly and rushes to her room. She comes back seconds later with a small white bear cuddled in her arms.

"Here." She says as she hands me the bear. Looking it over it appears small but expensive with delicate stitching and real brown glass eyes.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Its for you." She answers as she stands up and head for the door. "Take good care of it." She calls over her shoulder as she slips into the hall and shuts the door behind her. I sit in silence for a second before putting down the bear and climbing into bed, and that was how my sister unknowingly delivered to me yet another gift from my secret stalker.

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