Last Straw

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I wake up the early one morning with a cloud drifting over my head as I slowly get dressed and head to school. Jessica already left without me so I make the walk alone, coming onto school grounds a good ten minutes before class giving me plenty of time to get some things from my locker before heading to class. As I turn down the hall though I hear yelling and nottice a small crowd forming in the hallway. I carefully walk over and look towards the noise. I see two figures, a girl and a boy, standing in the hallway arguing with each other. As I get closer though I nottice that I recognize the girl. Its Jessica only she looks really diiferent. Her hair which once looked like mine is now died bright pink and hung up in a loose bun. The boy she is argueing with is none other than Philip and he seems pretty pissed.

"Why didnt you tell me!?" I hear him yell over the soft whispers of the crowd.

"You arent my keeper!" Jessica yells back. "I dont have to tell you everything I do!"

"I am your boyfrined though! You should have warned me!"

"Why!? DO you hate it!? You hate it dont you!?"

"I never said that!" 

"But you totally do!"

They go back and forth like this for a while until the bell rings and the crowd disperses.

"Dont talk to me anymore." I hear Jessica growls before she turns and storms past me casting me a soft glare as she storms off. I quickly look back at Philip who is scratching his head in frustration with a pained look on his face.

"Poor guy." I mutter to myself before truning and heading to class.

Time skip:

"Why'd you dye your hair?" I ask Jessica as we walk together back home.

"Because I felt like it." She sneers. She still sounds a little cross over her fight with Philip and I dont really blame her. On one hand I want to stay out of the way of their fight but on the other hand....

"You need to make up with Philip. He's your boyfriend afterall and I'm sure he didnt mean to make you upset." I say.

"You just dont understand." Jessica mumbles.

"I might not but Philip seems like a nice boy and he likes you so I would hate for you to throw away the realtionship just because of a small fight."

"Who cares if he likes me? What if I dont like him back?"

"Do you not like him?"

"No i do like him."

"Then whats the problem?"

"He just overreacted is all and I'm not making up with him until he apologizes."

I sigh knowing that there is no way of talking my stubborn sister into apologizing first and the rest of the walk home goes in silence. Once we arrive home Jessica scampers off to her room as I retire to my own room. I spend a couple hours working on homewrok before I am interupted by a text on my phone.

-You're one of a kind.

I smile at the message thinking its from Danny and then I see the caller id. Its an unknown number belonging to none other than my secret admirer.

-I love you.

The next comes through and I frown at the screen.

-I thought you gave up.

I text him and then wait patiently for a response I get one seconds later.

-I did, but I can't forget about you. You're perfect.

-I have a boyfriend.

I text him.

-For now you do. You never know what might happen in the future.

I am about to text back when my sister comes in. She is wearing a short red dress with black boots and she has her now pink hair brushed back and hangng loose about her shoulders.

"I'm going out." She says proudly as she flips arouns her hair and rechecks her makeup in my bedroom mirror.

"Where?" I ask.

"No where important. Some friends and I are heading out to the beach."

"You're going to the beach? In that?" I look her outfit over once more and raise and eyebrow.

"I'm not going swimming!" She hisses. "We are just going to hang out on the sand. Its a beach party!"

I roll my eyes as Jessica practicly drools over the word 'party'.

"When will you be back?" I ask.

"Probably around nine but I might be late." She says as she waves a quick goodbye and scampers for the door. For the time being I completely forget about the texts and continue working on homework. Hours pass and as I am sitting in my room after dinner my mom comes in  with a small box in her hands.

"A present from your boyfriend." She says with a smile as she places it on my bed. "I found it on the front porch."

"Thanks." I say with ablush as my mom gives me aother sly smile before she leaves and shuts the door behind her. I get up from my desk and walk over to open the box but stop when I see the large cursive writing on the front of the box. I recognize it imediatly and recoil slightly as I debate whether I should open it or just throw it away. Its another gift from my stalker and as much as I want to just toss it, my curiosity gets the best of me and I hesitantly cut off the tape and open it. Inside are about a dozen red steamless roses along with sprigs of dried lavender that waft out a fragrant aroma. There is a card reading 'To my one true love' in the middle of the box and I lift the not slightly to see something taped to the back of the card. Its a diamond engagement ring, a big expensive one with real diamonds and its just my size. For a second I admire the gems before my nose scrunches up in disgust. I rip the ring from the card and toss it out the open window where it falls silently into the streets. I then carry the roses down to the trash outside before going in to sit in the living room waiting for Jessica. I had decided right then and there that I wasnt going to ignore the problem anymore and that I was going to ask my sister for help that night. So I waited and waited and waited, but she never came home.

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