Unknown Texts

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Another boring day, another letter in my locker. By now the letters had become a daily thing and I had already received more than fifteen in total. Each one bore simple words of love and affection that made me feel all warm and bubbly inside. Sometimes they even came with gifts of small things such as candy or trinkets. I liked them but Jessica thought they were weird.

"How do they know all the stuff you like?" She asked one day as we were walking home from school. In my arms I was carrying a small (favorite animal) plushie with my initials stitched in the side.

"I dont know." I mutter as I bury my face in the toy. It smelled heavily of lemon and lavender just like most of the other letters I had received.

"Don't you think its weird how this guy knows so much about you? They could be a stalker." Jessica said. I looked up at her with a raisd eyebrow.

"If we are talking stalkers then you would more likely fit the bill." I muttered.

"I have had experience and let me tell you its not fun. AT first its all sweet with the gifts and the affection but it can get creepy fast." I looked away from her and back down at the stuffed animal in my hand. I didnt believ that anyone who could pick out something this cute could be bad.

"Maybe its from Danny." I mutter, more to myself but Jessica still heard me anyway.

"Are you still seeing that guy?"

"We arent 'seeing each other' per say. We are just kind of hanging out." I say with an evident blush on my face. Ever since the party Danny and I had been texting nonstop and we were getting along pretty well. We had met up a few times outside of school but our relationship didnt go as far as to say we were dating. Thats not to say I would decline if he asked me out but he just hadn't yet.

"Whatever." Jessica sneers. "Just dont come crying to me if he breaks your heart and asks out some other girl." She grumbles as she picks up pace and trots ahead of me. I shove the plushie in my bag and run to catch after her. I am completely unaware that on the side lines someone is watching intensely.

Time skip:

"Do you have time to hang out this Friday?" Danny asked as we chatted over the phone. I gingerly nodded my head and then remembered he cant see me so I answered with a yes.

"That's great. There is this new cafe I wanted to go to and they just opened up. Want to go with me after school?"

"Ok!" I say and then regret how enthusiastic I sound. I hope I don't sound overly eager.

"Then I will meet  up with you after school."

"Ok I will see you then." I say as I hang up the phone and sigh in relief.

"How was that?" Jessica asks me from where she is standing at the door.

"Danny." I answer.

"Are you really meeting up with that weirdo?"She asks, the disgust evident in her voice.

"He's not a weirdo!" I argue.

"He's an antisocial dork, you could do better." She says. I ignore her as I roll onto my side with my back facing her.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" She yells as she storms off to her room. I don't know why she is so mad but she doesn't have to take it out on me. I sigh as I pull out my phone and start texting Danny but just then I get another text from an unknown number.


I look at the text and ignore as I go back to texting Danny. Then I get another one.

-Please answer me.

I sigh and write back.

-Who is this?

-A friend.


-I cant tell you.

I groan in frustration as I decide not to humor the guy and instead go work on homework. I shut off the phone only to return to it thirty minutes later with four more unread texts from the same unknown number.

-Are you there?

-Please answer me.

-Please don't hate me.

-I love you.

I stare at the last one in confusion.

-Who is this?

I ask again but I don't receive an answer. Minutes pass by and I begin to reach the conclusion that whoever is on the other line is just playing some mean kind of joke, but then....

-I love you.

The text repeats itself.

-Who are you?

I ask again and this time I receive an immediate response.

-Your secret admirer.

I try to text back after that but none of my texts go through. 'That's weird.' I think to myself as I go through the texts again and try to send another one but to no avail. 'Is this the guy sending me letters? How did he get my number?' As I am trying to figure it out, my sister comes back in with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm going to a party." She says with a huge smile on my face as she twirls around in her short blue dress.

"On a school night?" I ask, confused. She nods and smiles as she brings a finger to her lips.

"Don't tell mom." She calls as she twirls around and rushes to the door. I watch from the window as her car pulls out and drives away into the night. Lately Jessica has been more needy and has been going to ore parties and group outings. I heard from Natalie at school that when she is out she does nothing but flirt and act shamelessly all the while with a big cheeky smirk on her face. Natalie was hoping I could do something about her behavior but, as I told her, I have no power over my sister. I can only hope that Jessica comes back before mom gets home tonight otherwise we are both in big trouble.

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