6.1K 105 13

First, I want to add this note to inform people that there is a sequel — it's called 'Achilles Heel' and it is published on my profile. Secondly, I wanted to thank people for the overwhelming amount of support for this edited version of Memories. Two years ago, I published a very different version of this story online and had gained two thousands reads by the end of it. Now, I've grown so much in my writing and am much happier with the direction this book went in. I love reading the comments that react as the story happens, hearing opinions and seeing people support Lottie as if she from the TV show. To name a few people — because I can't express how much I appreciate the comments and compliments on my writing — I want to just shoutout . . .







because they stuck with me throughout the journey of the book that sometimes took a long time to get back on track with. Of course, every comment and vote matters because it makes me feel like this book isn't terrible.

Love, Meg

(Original Draft reached 100k on 19th September)

(Original Draft reached 200k on 17th February)

Republishing & Editing Completed on 11th May 2018 at 87k reads.

14/05/20 — Once again, I'm revisiting Lottie and rewriting Memories. I'm doing this in the form of Remember Me, which can be found on my profile. I know a lot of people like this book, but I'm four years older and find most of this a little cringe. As a result, I'm writing Memories how I would now with a LOT of changes in the form of Remember Me if anyone would like to also check that out.

MEMORIES ▷ KOL MIKAELSON [1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now