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DARKNESS CLOAKED THE SKY, thousands upon thousands of tiny, shining stars twinkling in the oblivion that hovered above my head. Outside, it was far more mesmerising than it could have been inside the mansion. Lingering in the night, I observed as extortionate limousines rolled into the driveway and—with my advanced hearing—listened as harmonious tunes blared from inside. I found it more pleasant from afar, watching was as enjoyable as enduring, in my opinion. Yet, I knew that I would have to go inside promptly. Although I considered not attending at all, I was aware that I wouldn't be able to avoid my old flame in such a small town. By making an appearance at this particular event, the meeting was just happening sooner rather than later.

"Lottie, are you sure about this?" Damon mumbled for the third time. "I may have said some things the other day, but you're like my little sister. If he does anything——" He threatened, but I giggled and placed my hand over his large mouth.

"I'll happily castrate him myself." I finished for my friend, inhaling deeply as I watched the double doors fling open.

Stefan Salvatore gave me a polite nod of reassurance—he had returned to his normal, brooding self now—and then proceeded forward to link arms with Elena Gilbert. She turned back to smile gently at me before accepting his arm. Damon did, very kindly, linger a millisecond longer than the others, but marched forward when he saw the couple, offering Elena his own arm. With a Salvatore on each arm, the brunette continued ahead, looking around in awe. Scoffing, I brushed past the trio and went to mix with the guests.

In search of a familiar face, I eventually located Carol Lockwood, the Mayor. Having limited options in terms of company, I strolled over to the woman, taking the glass of champagne from her hands. "I need this more than you do, Carol." I moaned, downing the bubbly gold liquid in a singular gulp. "You're on the Council, right? How many champagnes do you think it would take to get a vampire drunk?" I interrogated. Tonight, my higher alcohol tolerance was a burden because it would be a true task to confront Kol sober. If I was drunk, I'd be able to blur his irritating voice and beautiful mouth from my mind.

The Mayor plucked another champagne from a passing waiter. "Charlotte——" She didn't even get to time to give any advice before another vampire disturbed her. Flaunting over, Damon was grinning from ear to ear, drawing out 'Hello Carol.'

"Has Elena dropped you already, Damon?" I jeered, intently scanning the mansion for my brunette friend. Nowhere to be seen.

Unimpressed, he puckered his lips. "Mmm, she did." He started, fixating his hard stare on me whilst clinking glasses with Carol out of the corner of his eye. "It could have been worse, it wasn't like she dumped me by a letter or anything." The Salvatore mocked.

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