Chapter 37

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Third person POV

Ryder punched the wall as he let out an angry scream.

He was beyond furious at the fact that a filthy man would dare to put a hand on his girl.

He was also livid at the fact that it could've been her father who had caught her and not the piece of shit that he had beaten a few minutes ago.

He could have lost her so easily. Had it been her father, he wouldn't have her upstairs sleeping soundly in his room at the moment. She could be locked away in some place where he couldn't reach her, or worse, she could be dead.

He punched the wall again at the thought. Right there and then he made a vow never to leave her side. If he couldn't be there then one of the boys would be but she would never be alone again.

"You need to stop it with your temper tantrums or you're gonna bring the whole house down with your punches" Dennis said to him with his head down as he ran a hand through his hair.

All the other boys were in the room with him. When they heard what had happened to their angel, they were furious and wanted to hunt down the man who dared to lay a finger on her but Ryder informed them that he was already taken care of and what they should focus on was Dorian.

"I can't believe this happened to her." Kruz said as tears welled up in his eyes. He had been informed about Dorian's father and shared in the boys' vow to protect her at all costs even though she had asked them to stay out of it.

"She doesn't deserve this" Micah said. "Why is life so cruel to her?"

Ryder ran his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time, causing his hair to stick up in some places. "I don't know" he sighed heavily. "But it won't happen to her again. From now on, one of us will always be by her side. She can't be alone. Never."

The boys nodded in agreement.

Slience dwelled among them as they thought of all Dori had been through. They felt sorrowful, even though it had happened to Dori and not them.

Kruz sighed. " I'm gonna go check on her" he stood up and all the boys followed behind.

When they entered her room, they were surprised to see that she wasn't in her bed.

Ryder's heartbeat sped up a bit. "Where the hell is she?"

Then they heard the sound of water coming  from the bathroom.

The boys let out a sigh of relief.

"She's just taking a bath" Kruz breathed out. He went to the door and knocked. "Dori?" No answer. He knocked again. "Dori, it's Kruz." No answer.

He turned to the boys with a puzzled look on his face.

"Um, guys?" Dennis said in a trembling voice as he directed the boys' attention to the red liquid pooling from under the bathroom door to the bedroom floor.

Their eyes widened and Ryder pushed the door open. They all rushed into the bathroom and the sight that caught their eyes made their heart rates increase significantly, as if their hearts had a mind of it's own and wanted to jump out if their chests.
Dori's POV

I woke up feeling numb. My eyelids were heavy and so were my limbs.

I got up out of the bed, not even bothering to observe the strange room I was in, and went straight to the bathroom as if I was in a trance.

I searched the drawers until I found what I was looking for.

A blade.

I held it up a placed it on my wrist. I dug into my creamy skin and slit it.

I repeated the process until I could no longer feel the pain the cuts brought. When I ran out of space on my right hand, I went over to the left.

When I was finished, I dropped the bloody blade on the ground and stepped into the bath tub. I turned the shower on full blast and watched as the tub slowly filled up with water.

I layed myself down in the tub and watched as the once clear liquid turned to different shades of red. Soon enough, the water was high enough to cover my whole body.

I closed my eyes as my thoughts drifted.

This is it. This is the end of Dorian Walker.

I hope the boys won't be angry. I was gonna die anyways. My father is hunting me and he won't stop until he finds me and gets rid of me, so why don't I do him a favour in getting rid if myself.

My lungs burned and ached, begging me to resurface for oxygen but I didn't. I couldn't. I told myself that I had to bear the pain. I had gotten through all the pains that life threw at me. This would be the last one.

And at that moment, I knew I was ready. I knew that I was ready to die. I had accepted that life was never going to be good for me. Things were never going to work out in my favour.

I would never be happy.

And if I could never be happy, why live?

My lungs couldn't take it anymore but I wouldn't go up to the surface so I took in a huge gulp of water.

That's when I heard the faint voices calling my name, but I couldn't focus on that. My mind was slowly drifting away, death almost taking over my being.

Just a little bit longer and it will all be over Dori. Just a little bit longer.

Then I felt two strong arm wrap around my shoulders and pulled me out of the water. I gasped loudly, trying to get oxygen into my lungs. I felt large hands pump my chest as I coughed up water.

I opened my eyes to see the blurry face of the boys I had grown to love.

"Dori! Dori please stay awake baby, don't leave me! You can't leave Dori, please" I heard Ryder beg, his voice cracking at the end.

A tear slipped out of my eyes as I mentally apologized to him and the rest of the boys and hoped that one day they would be able to forgive me.

Their voices was the last thing I heard as the little black dots danced around in my vision. The outside sounds slowly faded away into the back of my mind. My heavy eyelids shut down and that was it.

I was gone.

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