Chapter 24

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"Eeww! Why do you even have this? No!" He exclaimed then threw the piece of clothing behind him.


"Never in a million years"

"Burn this"


"Ugh!  No!"

After hearing that I was going to a party, to say that I was shocked would be and understatement. I tried to protest against it but the boys insisted that I go. I even tried explaining to them that I was a social outcast and that no one has ever invited me to a party.

"Well we were invited and the invitation said to bring a friend, and since you're our most favorite friend in town-" Kruz's sentence got cut off by Micah.

"Actually, she's our only friend in town" he said matter-of-factly.

"Dude" Kruz said sending a 'shut-the-hell-up' glare at Micah before turning back to me. "Anyways, since you're our favorite friend in town" he said the last three words
through gritted teeth and sent an accusing glare at Micah which resulted in Micah rolling his eyes at him. Kruz continued," we've decided to take you along with us. So is it a yes or no?"

"No" I said, a stern voice accompanying the blank look on my face.

There was a pause as the boys shared a look with each other then Kruz spoke up. "Great! So you're coming with us. But you need clothes"

And that's how we ended up here, with all four boys in my room and Kruz going through my closet and looking for clothes to wear to the party. With each piece of clothing he took out, he scrunched up his face in distaste and threw the clothing behind him on the ground and then proceeded to look for something else. I didn't even get to choose my own clothes or have a say in what he picked out. Some of them were actually really nice dresses but he didn't approve so he discarded them. To be honest I felt a bit offended that he didn't like them. In my opinion, I had a good sense of fashion.

All I really wanted though-seeing as I couldn't get out of going to the party- was to just show up in a pair of pants and a simple T-shirt, but the boys weren't having any of that. Instead, they allowed Kruz to raid my closet and mess up my bedroom until he finally found a dress that he didn't hate.

It was a black dress with lace sleeves and it flared a bit towards the end and stopped just above my knees.

Kruz stared at it for a while as he furrowed his eyebrows and put his hand on his chin in thought. He looked really deep in his thoughts. He looked as if he was trying to figure out the solution to the world's most difficult math equation, only in this case, he was just trying to figure out what dress I should wear.

After a few minutes of staring at the dress, he turned around to face me and handed me the dress.

"Try it on" he said.

"Bu-" I started my protest but he cut me off.

"No buts" he deadpanned, then he let out a small chuckle and muttered 'butts' under his breath.

"Just try it on and see if it fits you princess. We'll be waiting downstairs" Ryder said with a small smile on his face causing a tiny dimple in his cheek to pop out.

The boys then left the room for me to get dressed.

I took off my clothes and slipped on the black dress that Kruz had picked out.

When I put it on and looked in the mirror, I was shocked at what I saw. It was a really nice dress... It just didn't look nice on me.

Of course it wouldn't be nice on you Dori. Have you seen yourself? You're ugly.

Despite my awful but true thoughts, I went downstairs. When I arrived, I noticed that the boys were sitting and chatting about something that seemingly made Micah and Dennis upset. I could tell because of the facial expressions they wore.

As soon as Micah saw me descending the stairs, his face morphed from one of anger to one of shock and...awe?

The rest of the boys noticed the look on his face and turned to see what he was looking at.

When their eyes settled on me, they all wore similar expressions to Micah's.

"Whoa" Dennis said seemingly speechless. The boys stayed there staring at me for a few more minutes while I fidgeted under their gazes.

Finally tired of the awkward silence, I spoke up. "So...what do you guys think?"

There was a pause as the boys snapped out of their daze but still had their dumbfounded expressions. Finally, Ryder spoke.

"You're not wearing that"Ryder said sternly and all the boys, as well as me, turned to look at him in shock.

"What do you mean she's not wearing that?" Dennis asked in confusion. I don't blame him. Ryder was the one who told me to put it on and now he says I'm not wearing it.

Do I look that bad?

"I think the statement is pretty self explanatory" Ryder said through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched and I could see the muscles twitching in his jaw.

"Are you crazy man?!" Dennis exclaimed. "She's gorgeous!" He said gesturing to me with his hands.


"Exactly" Ryder said then he got up abruptly from the couch.

"Ryder-" I tried saying but he cut me off.

"Change princess" he said sternly. "I don't want any guys drooling over you tonight" his muscles twitched when he said that. "I don't anyone to look at you, touch you or even breathe near you, especially guys. And wearing that dress will definitely attract more than a few of them" I could practically feel the anger radiating from him.

He turned his attention back to the boys. "Make sure she changes. I'll be waiting in the car" and with that he stormed out if the house leaving us there, dumbfounded.

Why's Ryder so adamant about me changing? Is it that he really thinks I look good and doesn't want any other guy to look at me? Or is it because he just doesn't want me to wear the dress because I might embarrass myself seeing as this dress shows off what I don't have: curves, boobs, ass etc.

Who am I kidding. He's my friend. He must be trying to protect me from the latter.

"You're not changing" Dennis said sternly.

"But Ryder said-"

"I don't care what Ryder said. You look gorgeous. People deserve to see that" I looked at the other boys to see them nod in agreement.

Ok, I guess I'm wearing it then.

Slipped on some heels and made my way outside with the boys. I saw Ryder in the car gripping the steering wheel as the muscle in his jaw twitched when he saw us.

Before Ryder could even open his mouth, Micah spoke, "relax man. She looks great ok. Let everyone else see it"

"Besides, I'm bullied by most of the school population so I'm pretty sure that no guy is gonna come up to me and tell me that I look great. So you really have nothing to worry about" I explained.

Ryder stared at me for a moment then he let out a gruff 'get inside'.

When we did, he sped off to the party with his hands still gripping the steering wheel to the point where his knuckles were white and the muscle still twitching in his clenched jaw.

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