Chapter 18

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Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought you could do something but you failed miserably?

Where your confidence had stretched so high that you reached cloud 9 and your pride seemed to be much bigger than others?

But then you fell from cloud 9 and landed on your ass, hard. And everyone you sought to impress looked down at you laughed their asses off?

Yeah, that was my current situation.

I was sitting in the living room with my eyes downcast and my cheeks flushed in embarrassment while I fiddled with my fingers.

The boys were scattered all over my living room laughing their heads off.

Ryder was on the ground rolling around and clutching his stomach while laughing. Dennis was on the coffee table, also clutching his stomach and laughing. Micah was bent over a chair arm on the far corner of the room. He was on the verge of falling off and he would if he continued laughing like that.

Somehow, Kruz found his way on top of the furniture that my television was on. And when I say 'on top', I mean he was on the very top of it and that thing was at least 6 feet high.

"You know, it's not that funny" I said trying to get them to stop laughing at me.

"You're right" Dennis said as he stopped laughing. "It wasn't funny" he had a serious look, then it melted back to one of amusement. "It was hilarious" he burst out laughing again, and if the other boys' laughs weren't loud before, they sure were now.

I sighed remembering the events that took place 10 minutes ago.


The guy walked into the dark, creepy house despite his friends telling him not to go in.

"Don't go in there you idiot! He's gonna kill you!" Kruz shouted at the TV.

"You do know that he can't hear you right?" Micah asked.

"Obviously he can't" Kruz rolled his eyes. "If he could, he wouldn't be walking in there" he turned his gaze back to the TV. "I said, don't go in!"

We all rolled our eyes at him.

I watched as the guy walked into the kitchen. I bit my nails in fear of what could pop out of the dark at any second.

It was like I was the one in the movie instead of the guy.

An eerie sound came from the television in the form of piano sounds. It sent shivers down my spine. I admit that I was a bit scared but I would never admit that to the boys. I tried to put on a straight face so that my fear wouldn't be evident.

The guy walked into a room and as he pushed the door open, a dead body was stuck to the back of it. The body was that of a boy with blonde hair. His blue eyes were wide open, staring at me. Blood was all over his face and clothes. The side of his head looked like it was bashed in.

I let out a small Yelp at the sight of it.

Ryder looked at me and smirked. "You okay there Dori?"

I glared at him. "I'm fine" I said through gritted teeth.

He chuckled lowly then turned his attention back to the TV.

The guy went into the kitchen and I saw the silhouette of a figure walk past behind him.

My heart pounded in my chest. My breaths came out in fast, shallow huffs.

He was gonna die. I knew it.

The light from the lightening outside cast shadows on his face.

Then suddenly, the guy let out an ear splitting scream and blood along with insects pooled out if his mouth.

I cringed at the sight. Ryder and Micah seemed to notice this and smirked.

The guy fell to the ground and the killer who had stabbed him knelt down to finish the job.

He stabbed the guy in his face and chest repeatedly until you could barely make him out. He was one bloody mess.

Then the killer sliced the guy's neck and lifted it to the camera. His face was grey and rotting.

He smiled revealing a set of black, rotten teeth. His eyes were black orbs in his boney face.

"This is what happens at midnight" he said in a low, gravelly voice. "I'm coming for you"

I felt a hand creep onto my shoulder. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as someone leaned close to my ear.

"Boo" came the soft whisper.

I jolted up out of my seat and screamed, my eyes squeezed shut.

"Get away from me! Get off of me!" I yelled and thrashed my body around.

The sound of male laughter filled my ears. I opened my eyes and looked at the boys. They were all laughing.

I face palmed myself. I can't believe I fell for that.

              End of flashback

"Did you guys see her face?" Kruz laughed from the top of the furniture. "She was like 'get away from me'" he said the last part in a high pitched voice, aiming to imitate me.

Out of all the things I could've said, I chose to say, "I don't sound like that"

"I thought you weren't afraid of horror movies Dori" Ryder smirked.

I sent him the most threatening glare I could muster. "Go to hell Ryder" I crossed my arm over my chest and pouted.

"Ok ok, laughing time is over" Ryder said. And got up off the ground and came over to sit beside me.

I didn't look at him and continued to give him my playful pout.

"Aww, come on. Cheer up princess" he said and cupped my face with one have and turned my head towards him. "It was funny. You can't blame us for laughing"

I turned my face away and continued pouting.

"Ok ok. We're sorry" he said.

I turned to look at him. "You are?"

"Yea we are princess" his eyes softened at me and he had a soft smile.

I smiled at him. He called me princess. I blushed slightly.

He didn't hesitate to notice. "You're cute when you blush"

My blush deepened.

Butterflies came out of nowhere and started fluttering around in my stomach.

"Umm...sorry to break up the little moment that you two are having" Kruz said with a nervous chuckle. "But I need a little help to get down from here"

We looked up at Kruz on the top of the furniture and laughed.

"How did you even get up there?" Micah asked.

"I have no idea"

We laughed and then got up to help Kruz.

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