Chapter 2

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I woke up gasping for air and sweating.

The sweat caused my thin night shirt to stick unattractively to my slightly shaking body.

I had a nightmare about him, again.

I looked at the clock on my night stand and saw that it was just 2 in the morning.

I sighed and ran a hand through my long, brown, curly hair. I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep so I got up and went to the small desk in my room. I took out my chemistry book and flipped through a few pages before stopping at the one I wanted to study.

I tried to focus on the words that were written neatly on the paper but my brain wouldn't let me. It kept bringing back the dream to my memory.

I was having nightmares about him again.

It's been 10 years since he was arrested. For the first two years I had nightmares about him, but afterwards, I was fine and started sleeping peacefully at night. But now they're coming back and I have no idea what to do.

I couldn't tell James or Caroline because I knew they would take me back to therapy like they did a few years back and I hated that. I couldn't tell them.

And seeing as though I have absolutely no friends whatsoever, it means that I have to solve my problem by myself.

Nothing new there.

I just wanted to pass time so that morning could come quickly.

Actually, nevermind that. I'd stay and study the whole night rather than go back to that hell hole in the morning.

I sighed again and looked at the page that I was currently at.

The periodic table. This should be fun.


I opened my eyes and the first thing that greeted me was the sunlight.

I squinted my eyes trying to get used to the light and opened them fully when I did.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I did. And I there were no nightmares, thankfully.

I looked at the clock again and saw that it was 6:10. My eyes widened in realization that I had 50 minutes to get ready for school.

I got up from my desk and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I quickly took off my clothes and got in.

I washed my body and my hair that almost reached my waist.

When I got out, I blow dried my hair and wrapped myself in a towel.

When I finished doing all of that, it was 6:44.

I went to my closet and pulled out a light blue jeans and a purple blouse that said 'You only live once'. I slipped on my purple flats, took up my bag and headed downstairs.

I didn't put on any makeup. That's only for special occasions, like when I have a bruise or cut that needs to be covered.

Plus, it makes no sense I put makeup on for any other reason. It's not like anyone would notice me anyway.

I went into the kitchen and took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and took up an apple from the counter.

I didn't see James or Caroline anywhere so my guess is that they're still sleeping or they've already gone out to work.

I bet my money on the latter though.

I came out of the house, after making sure that the windows and doors were locked, and started walking to school.

Walking to school was the only time of the day where I had peace and quiet and could think about all the things going wrong in my life.

First, I probably had the worst childhood ever.

Second, I live with two people who couldn't care less about me or the things I did and who gave me money as a form of happiness. They didn't know me. If they did, they would know that I would need alot more than money to make me happy.

Third, I'm a victim of bullying at my school. I've been bullied since third grade by the same person. Mason Goodlock. I've been bullied by him and his friends everyday. Overtime, alot more people in the school started picking up the habit and started treating me the same way they do.

Fourth, it's cold outside and I forgot my sweater.

My life sucks.

I looked up from the ground and saw the school not too far away.

I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the events that would take place today.

I already knew what to expect. Pushes and shoves from people. People throwing my books and bag around. Mean insults about me and the clothes I wear. And if I'm lucky, Mason and his football friends will use me as they're punching bag.

I was used to this. It was like a routine that happened everyday at Decalon high.

I was the nerd there. And yes we have other nerds but I was the main one, seeing as I'm the only one they bullied on a daily basis for no other reason but for humor.

It was disgusting that they thought treating another human being like trash was funny.

If you went to Decalon and asked the students there the definition of the word 'nerd', they'd laugh and say 'Dorian'.

You would probably get the same response if you asked for the definition of stupid, outcast, disgusting or....trash.

I didn't tell anyone though. I couldn't. It would only make things worse. So I keep it to myself.

I was closer to school now. Close enough to see people making out in the parking lot and talking and laughing with friends and stuff.

I just kept my head low and continued walking, trying not to attract any attention to myself.

Then I heard someone say "oh I guess the loser finally decided to show up" and everyone laughed.

I sighed. Just another awful, bully-filled day at Decalon high.

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