Chapter 59

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Bear with me...


"Be careful, you might set off the alarm" Ryder spoke softly as he stepped gingerly over the red beam of light near the floor

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"Be careful, you might set off the alarm" Ryder spoke softly as he stepped gingerly over the red beam of light near the floor. 

"We're well aware, we're not amateurs you know" Dennis replied sassily to the leader as he bent his body in an awkward position to avoid touching the red beam and setting off any alarms. 

"I never said you were" Ryder muttered bitterly, a bit ticked off at the way Dennis responded.

"You've been this way since we've left the house. What crawled up your ass and died? " Dennis asked accusingly, annoyed at Ryder's sour attitude for the past hour. 

"Your ability to shut the fuck up, that's what!" Ryder hissed as he turned around to glare at the boy, who just rolled his eyes In response, knowing better than to open his mouth again.

"Boss," Kai said behind them warningly. Ryder knew what the tone meant. Now wasn't the time to be getting angry and losing his cool.

Ryder sighed, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. He needed to focus. One wrong move, one slip up, and they'd lose everything, including their lives. "I'm just worried about the plan, that's all" he spoke, his soft tone returning as he continued to lead the other two behind him.

"It's Kruz's plan, there's nothing to worry about. He knew what he was doing, we just have to trust him" Dennis answered, following closely behind. 

"I'm not saying I doubt him, he's in my close circle for a reason," Ryder said, referring to the tight circle of only the four of them. "I just can't help feeling like something's going to go wrong. Something we didn't plan for" he muttered as he mentally revised the plan again, seeking out loopholes, anything they missed that would cause them to lose more than they had bargained for. 

It had been only yesterday that they had discovered the recording that Kruz had left for them before he was captured. Apparently, his kidnapping was also a part of the plan. Dennis was a bit upset when he found out, thinking that it was quite reckless of him to decide such a thing without discussing it with the members first, but after playing the recording and actually hearing what Kruz had planned out, they all decided to look past it, for now, that is. His plan seemed logical enough and now they were executing it. At first, Ryder was sure it could work out, but now, he's worried that there may have been something they overlooked. Winning never comes this easy...

"Is that the door up ahead?" Kai asked as he craned his neck to see past Ryder, despite the darkness of the passage they were walking through. This was another part of Kruz's plan. Ryder was supposed to go in with Dennis and Kai instead of Micah. Ryder was skeptical of this at first but eventually went along with it. It wasn't that he didn't trust his own gang members, it was just that he tended to feel much more comfortable when working with those of his inner circle. But Kruz knew that, and he believed that if Kruz said he should work with Kai instead of Micah, it must have been for a good reason.

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