32 | Lose to Win

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I punched in the code combination to the dorm, and the door swung open to reveal bright light that shone in our eyes.

It was an indication that someone was home.

Axel was half-naked with a damp towel draped around his neck, lounging on the couch with a laptop on his knees which he typed feverishly while maintaining a dull expression at the screen at the same time. Chestin was practicing moves at the side of the room with the training equipments installed and stored there for our use. Helene was on the line with Carlos, checking up on home and her three— almost four— year old daughter. Kora stationed her small self in the dark kitchen and was in the process of searching the fridge for edible treats that would fill her stomach until someone paid enough attention to feed her. And Sammy, he was oddly showing a trainee agent around the dorm.

My brows darkened upon entering and I could feel my body boil. Sammy caught sight of me first as he spun around, his mouth still parted open from giving Diana a tour of the place.

"Anne!" he frowned, his arms dropping slowly as he took me and my form in. His eyes hadn't drifted to Liam yet, but he didn't hesitate to take a step forward to me, to which I cut him off by saying, "You have the nerve..."

The boy's eyes flashed confusion and possibly even hurt. Diana spun around and her mouth let escape a sharp gasp, lowering her head when my eyes drilled uneasy stares into hers. Sammy stopped with a quiet skid and attracted the attention of Helene and Kora from the side. The two females eyed me with disbelief and they were only able to utter my name.

"Jamie," Chestin's voice interrupted, a bit staggering from exhaustion.

Axel looked up from his work and his fingers stopped immediately. His eyes went wide, then cold as he glanced to my right, and I swore I saw the glasses lenses flash like his eyes had caught a prey. "James-"

"Why are you here," I ignored my teammates and focused my attention on the intruder of my place, "... You dare?" My own voice startled me as it dropped venom with each word.

"N-No Agent W-W!" my student's voice trembled as she was forced into the spotlight all of a sudden, "I don't dare, I don't ever dare, I-"

"Get your existence out of my dorm. Or can your incompetent head not understand the consequences of breathing the same air that I sleep in?" the voice that came out belonged to some foreign Jamie that was hidden underneath her well-composed one. Never, had I spoken such words to a mere student.

"Get. out., Greenwood."

My voice rang throughout the spacious dorm room as the terrified girl scrambled for her belongings as if she had planned to sleep overnight and play checkers tomorrow noontime. My gaze never left her form until the last bit of her hair had left the dorm and the door had clicked loudly shut.

I looked back at my teammates, disappointed that the atmosphere had become like this when I  next reunited with them. But I pained the most staring at the 16 year old boy that admired me so.

"What in your stupid mind made you think that just because I was gone, you could bring your classmate over to OUR dorm. And did you just... give her a fucking tour? Do you have a death wish, Sammy Walden Adler?" I spit out in irritation, eyes narrowing in disbelief at the boy who was staring at me with glossy, bewildered eyes, "Where has my trust gone in you, boy? Who allowed you, Sammy? Speak."

Sammy lowered his head and let out unsteady breaths. "Anne, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was this big of a deal. I'm sorry— it got in my head how much time I spent with you to the point where I didn't register your rank when regarding others. I'm really sorry, Anne."

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