9 | Glen's Child

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The weather was wonderful outside today.

I was right. I didn't deserve to be locked up in a classroom when I did nothing wrong.

And what was Daniel thinking.

My hand ran swiftly through my hair once as I walked briskly out of I.O. Academy. I decided to not wander far from the school and just somewhere a little hidden off.

My body unconsciously moved towards the deserted woods next to the school and I ended up placing my book bag on the ground and climbing a big oak tree.

I sat at the very top by myself, enjoying the high and dangerous height I was at. From afar, I could spot some students still hanging around campus, being the teenagers they were.

My eyes diverted away when I caught a couple kissing aggressively against the building's wall.

My mind ran through the event from earlier today when Allison's boyfriend crashed his lips upon mine.

It was a strange feeling. I didn't like it.

I have concluded, I hate kissing or being kissed.

Movies make it look so easy. Books make it flow so smoothly. And stories make it sound so exciting.

Well, it wasn't what I had experienced. And that was my second kiss in my whole life.

I sighed to myself as I slouched lower onto a well-supported branch and crossed my arms.

I was bored. Like always. There's nothing to do. Now that Allison was nowhere to be found and I had the whole day to myself, I don't know what to do.

What can I even do?

I pouted silently to myself as I eyed the surrounding.

Leaning against the tree trunk while still on the branch, my right hand came up slowly and pointed it at the back of a student's head from far away.

The back was turned to me and there was no way he could have seen me.

My ring finger and pinky folded in as my hand and fingers tightened their grip. My middle and pointer finger were aimed at the boy while my thumb was at a 90 degree angle.

I waited for a second before the boy stopped shifting around with whoever he was with before I silently imitated a shot firing from my handgun.


My eyes widened as my hand stopped dead in mid-air.

The fingers suspended in the air immediately tensed up into a balled fist before I breathed out softly and my body relaxed.

The boy had turned a bit as he was talking to a girl with black hair and blue ombré.

Helene, echoed through my head as I eyed the two intensely.

The other guy was not Carlos. Who was he?

There was a thought that came to my mind but I pushed it away.

There was no way.

There were too many guys with natural hair colors. I couldn't tell. Though the hairstyle and posture was for sure 100% familiar.

I just needed to see the eyes.

A school announcement suddenly came on and said that all students still on campus were to refrain from entering the woods, which were at all times off-limits to every student at I.O Academy.

My attention went away from the two and to myself sitting on the tree branch. I shrugged a little before my eyes went back.

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