4 | He was Cute

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The next morning, I had gotten to class with my head low and my nerd-self act on.

Mrs. Reeling was writing on the board our assignment for today.

We had to read our textbooks and then write about it. Easy enough.

I went to my seat and placed my backpack down, reaching in to get my phone.

The ringer was off because class was in session, but there were no calls or texts from Axel yet.

I sighed silently and placed my phone back inside.

Allison Frances finally entered the classroom and went through her usual routine of meet-and-greet with her friends. She and her boyfriend were making out in the hallways before that, I could tell due to the slightly smeared lipstick on her face.

Her face suddenly turned to me while she was chatting away and I directed my attention to my desk.

Everyone was now in class and currently pulling out their textbooks and a piece of paper. There were already pencils and pens scribbling rapidly on the desks.

Almost everyone. The new kid wasn't in his seat yet.

Naturally, I had my things out and began working. Upon reading the first paragraph, the last student in the classroom came in and small chatters erupted into my ears.

It was now my cue to know when my 'genius buddy' had arrived.

Apparently, he looked good today too, or the girls wouldn't be fangirling about him.

Too bad for them though, he's not your strong type of boy. His personality is like that of your younger sibling.

The annoying one that loves you.

Liam came strolling down the aisle and plopped into his seat cheerfully, leaning one arm on his desk and turned to me.

I expected a, "Hello Jamie!" come from him.

I expected a pat on my shoulder as a man's way to greet their pals.

I expected a grin that would surface on his expressions so that I could see.

How strange. I was expecting too much. Maybe it was because this was the first person in two years that tried to make friends with me.

Was I feeling attachment?

Instead of waiting for my expectations, I turned around to see him.

I forced my expression to show no emotions when his face didn't match my thoughts, however.

He was a bit lost, eyes not looking directly at me.

We stared at each other for a while before he spoke up, "Your hair's different."


Oh, right.

"Y-yeah," I piped, truly startled this time, "I just felt like putting it up into a high ponytail today."

I needed the black ribbon today. I was finding answers.

"Do I look weird," I asked in a small tone, keeping my act up.

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