11 | Will You Leave Me Too

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I immediately dialed his number. The second the rings stopped and a voice turned on, I yelled into my phone.


The boy was quiet for a moment, probably trying to understand the strange situation and my raised tone, before he replied, "Jamie?"

"You bombed my dorm room??" I asked, "How? When? Why?"

"Jamie, calm down," Liam let out, "Explain to me again. I literally just got back to my room."

"I got back to my room as well," I slowed down, looking rapidly around my door, "And the whole inside is destroyed. Everything is broken and shattered. There's nothing in there but rubbles."

I could hear his steady breathing from the other end.

"Liam?" I called out. I didn't know what to do. It was almost curfew time and the students still here were rushing back to their rooms before the professors strolled through the hallways to check up on us.

"Stay in there for a moment. Wait for the teachers to do their check-ups and then come over to the boy's dorms."

I frowned slightly and unconsciously turned around to check if anyone was listening in on our conversation.

"I can't..." I replied, "Why would I need to?"

"Where else would you sleep?"

My breath hitched as I realized what he was suggesting.

"Sleep with you?" I exclaimed, "Are you crazy?"

"Lennon, why else would you call me if not for my help."


That was... true. It was also to confront him and the only way I could be certain of anything was if I was talking to him face-to-face.

I sighed loudly and hung up after closing up the call.


The teachers eventually came and after the atmosphere turned quiet and peaceful, I walked out of my room after messing with the alarm.

I'd set it so that it seemed like I would be in my room everyday before curfew. If I was ever needed back I'd be given a signal through my phone.

As I waited, I used that time to gather my belongings, which I realized had all been obliterated. Nothing was left. My clothes, my accessories, my snacks...

The only things I had were whatever was in my school backpack. Textbooks, journals, writing utensils, notebooks, and most importantly, my safely hidden weapons.


I walked down the hallways and sneaked out of the girl's dorms and into the boy's.

I found Liam's door after a bit of searching in the dark with only the light of my phone to guide me and I typed in his password.

The door opened to a dimly lit room.

Liam wasn't in bed but I was sure he was in the bathroom showering once the aroma of shampoo hit my nose. I closed the door carefully and placed my bag neatly next to his bed on the ground with a soft thud.

Even if I called out to him, he wouldn't be able to hear me well with the water running. I sat on the edge of his bed and slowly looked around, taking in the familiarity of the room since I had last entered.

There wasn't much. The bed was positioned against the opposite wall facing me while the bathroom was stationed around it on the adjacent wall. His study desk was to the right of the door I came into and his small bed table stood neatly next to the head side to the right.

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