18 | Stay Awake

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That was the three of us. Except, there was no longer an 'us.' Those three names should never have been together again. Yet here we were, the past jumping out at me in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the door bursted opened and in came Allison in her white dress and a dozen covered armed men.

Allison Frances. 17 years old. Half French, Half Korean. Blood type A. A total chic and playgirl. Currently in a relationship with football team's captain Daniel Ordeon. Current daughter of Charles Lennon, stepsister of Jamie Lennon, daughter to Raelyn Frances.

Who was Raelyn Frances you asked?

My 7 years old form ran into my room and busted the door open to reveal a beautiful, young woman I've never seen before.

She dared to be naked in front of me, in my room, in my house, and for who?

My father?

"You're not mommy," I said to her startled face, "Get out of my room."

"Oh, sweetie, you won't understand," the woman began, trying to smile at me to lighten up my mood, "This is the adult world, and-"

"Don't try me," I informed her lowly, "If you think kids are merely nothing more than dumb animals running around with no brain and heart you can poop yourself out the door because you're not ready to be my mother in any way or form."

My father left with her.

She, was Raelyn Frances. Allison was her daughter. So, Allison was also my step-sister.

This doesn't make any fucking sense.

So the girl I've been trying to protect, turned out to be trying to capture me?

And for my father?

A longer thought at it and I realized a possible explanation to my father's actions.

He was trying to bring my mother back to him. I guess he'd never let go of her. And because there was only one other person he was close to that had her genes directly, he was out for that person.

And it just so happened that I was his daughter. It just so happened that I was Wendy's daughter. It just so happened that my middle name was Antoinette. It just so happened that Allison and I were bound together by my mission, and she by hers.

Maybe that was why the R.U. refused to give me further information about this mission. If I had known how deeply connected the girl I was protecting was to me, I would have never accepted it. I would have never met them. I would have never resolved my past.

I would have never met Liam or Kai, or resolved things with Axel, Helene, and Carlos.

Everything was a mess right now in my head. To others everything was fine, but to me I had to revisit my unwanted past.

I was in pain. I wanted to be alone. I wanted to rest. I wanted to stop thinking, stop knowing, stop everything.

But life was unfair. And being an agent meant sucking up your complaints and snapping back to reality. So that's exactly what I did.

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