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It was stupid, really

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It was stupid, really. I knew Edward loved the human, Bella, more than anything, she was his mate and he was destined to be with her. That was how the whole mating thing worked, for most people anyway. I knew I was special in that regard, I knew that for a fact, but that wasn't what was happening right now. No, right now Edward was off mourning for the loss of his human mate rather than being with her like a normal vampire would do. We all knew that Bella loved Edward, we didn't have to be an empath like Jasper to see it. It was so obvious. That, however, did not stop my idiot adopted brother from leaving and making all of us leave too. I liked living in Forks.

The James situation scared him, but Bella getting a paper cut on her birthday was the last strike for Edward. We didn't blame Jasper at all, he was dealing not only with his blood lust but also the blood lust of everyone else in the room. It only got worse when Edward overreacted and shoved Bella into a glass table. There was a thousand other ways to have dealt with the situation at hand, but Edward decided that he didn't want to think. In a way, I think he wanted to scare the human, to make sure she knew that he was a blood sucking dangerous monster; I, personally, think it was unnecessary.

Young vampires still have much to learn.

I thought the stupidity had stopped once we had moved to stay with the Denali coven for a while until Esme had found a new house. Edward had gone off to be depressed, wanting to be alone. I had tried to talk to him, to tell him that I understood what he was going through but he wasn't having it. I guess you can't save everyone, but that doesn't mean we were going to stop trying. We hadn't heard from Bella, having changed all our contact details – Alice cried when she did so. Occasionally, Alice would mutter something like "Don't do that, Bella!" or "Really, Bella?" We stopped paying attention after a while. That was until the stupidity had begun again.

"No!" Alice had screamed out of the blue one night. We were all relaxing in the lounge room; Jasper and Emmett were trying to beat Rosalie at a COD game (something the pretty blonde was very good at), Alice was flipping through magazines and humming to herself; Carlisle and Esme were sitting together quietly talking amongst themselves, and I was reading as usual. Everyone had snapped to attention when Alice screamed. Jasper was by his mate's side instantly, comforting her. Carlisle had knelt in front of her, a very concerned look on his pale features.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice low and filled with worry. I furrowed my brows as I placed my book aside, forgetting to mark my place in the pages. Alice rarely reacted this way to her visions.

"Bella..." the pixie-like girl trailed off, her hands clutching Jasper's clothes as she let out a dry sob, unable to cry. Taking a deep, unnecessary breath, she continued. "I saw her jump off a cliff. She killed herself!" She then broke down into more uncontrollable dry sobs, throwing her face into Jasper's chest as he wrapped his arms around her small frame, whispering comforting words to the small immortal. "It's all out fault!" She cried out, the pain evident in her voice.

No one moved, none of us could believe it. Was Bella going to kill herself? We were too far away to stop it from happening, there was no way we could reach her in time to stop her. Everyone else seemed to have come to the same conclusions as their features darkened. I only felt a small pang in my chest at the thought of the human's untimely demise. We had only spoken once or twice, and they were just greetings. I didn't hate her or dislike her by any means, I just didn't care for her. I hadn't been given the chance to, not with the constant interruptions. I knew she was a lovely girl and that Alice had become attached to her, although that wasn't hard for the pixie-like vampire. The pang I felt in my chest wasn't because I cared that the human was dead, I really didn't care. Humans were weak, they died too easily. The pang was because of how it would hurt my family, especially Alice and Edward. Oh, Edward. I thought to myself sadly. He doesn't know.

"Edward needs to know," Rosalie spoke up, breaking the silence, her mind possibly taken the same path mine did. Even she, who had expressed nothing but dislike for the human, looked upset. Emmett looked ready to join Alice in crying. Carlisle's face was tense and sombre while Esme looked like she was holding back dry sobs herself.

"No," I denied quickly. "He won't be able to live with himself." I couldn't lose my brother. Carlisle quickly agreed with me, as did everyone else.

Everyone except Rosalie.


I should have known she was going to do something like this. She was always too strong willed for her own good, always assuming she knew what was right even when it was wrong.

Alice had left to comfort Charlie, Bella's father. We hadn't heard from her yet, which was worrying. Rosalie, however, had decided to go against her coven leader and call Edward to tell him of his mate's demise while everyone was out hunting or doing someone else. And with that, the stupidity got even worse.

"What do you mean, he's going to the Volturi?" I demanded, arms crossed over my chest and a look of pure fury on my face as I stared directly at my blonde sister, Rosalie. She really was stunning, immortality suited her well and I always tried to remind her, no matter how upset she got about it. I watched as a look of unease brushed over her flawless complexion as she took in my furious look.

"He decided he couldn't live with himself after finding out Bella had died or thinking she had," Carlisle answered with a sigh, having just gotten off the phone with Alice. I shot another deadly look at Rosalie. "Alice and Bella are going off to Italy to stop him." He added.

I brushed my hand angrily through my long hair, turning away from my sister and pacing. They won't kill him, Aro won't lose such a rare gift, so he'll expose himself. I thought, knowing that my stupid brother would do anything to get his way. Even if Bella stops him in time, they'll still kill him for attempting to expose himself to humans and possibly for exposing himself to Bella. They'll keep Alice, she's too special to pass up. This will go horribly wrong.

My expression hardened, and I stopped pacing, turning back to look at Rosalie who has since been joined by the rest of my family. "Aeliana?" My coven leader, and surrogate father, Carlisle asked, clearly quite concerned about my sudden quietness.

"I need to help them, I could help sway the decisions of the Volturi," I informed Carlisle of my sudden decision, something that Alice would not see. Carlisle's face dropped, and I saw Esme leap forwards and grab my small arm.

"Please don't, they won't let you come back!" She begged. I felt my heart drop into my stomach at the sight of my surrogate mother, the only women to ever care about me this much, beg for me to stay. She may be younger than me, but she still had that mothering personality that you couldn't help but love. I smiled, venom filling my eyes. If I were still human, I would be a blubbering mess.

"I need to help them, they need me," I spoke, wrapping my arms around her. I don't know if it was my small stature or my lack of mother prior to becoming immortal, but she had really become protective of me, as I had her. She really was the mother I never had.

With a small parting goodbye, I sped off to the airport to catch the first flight to Italy, not bothering to pack a change of clothes or anything. Alice might yell at me when I meet them there, but it was fine. I needed to help them.

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