Day 24, Part 1

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The first thought on Craig's mind was revenge. So, without saying goodbye to his mom, he left the house and went to a certain blonde's house.

The walk there was like every walk he's ever been except this time he had a deep rage lurking just below the surface, and it only grew with every step. He just had to keep it contained until he got there. Except, that seemed harder and harder with every passing moment.

By the time Craig arrived at Kenny's door he was practically shaking with the effort of containing his ever-growing hatred. When the door opened Craig didn't even notice who he was hitting, all he could see was red. The anger if not only today but all the anguish in his life coming out in the form of his fists continuously hitting.

Craig didn't know how long this went on for. He didn't plan on stopping anytime soon, but then he was being dragged away. When Craig started to breathe he realized he had tears running down his face, it surprised him. He couldn't remember the last time he cried.

That was when he looked up and realized that Kenny was the one who dragged him away. The horrified look on his face unsettled Craig, and he slowly glanced down at the person he let his anger out on. The shame and guilt filled him as he was met with the bruised body of Karen.

He didn't know the girl that well other than she was Kenny's younger sister and that she was just an innocent bystander in this. Craig didn't know what to say. He tried to say sorry, but he choked and just held his head in shame.

Craig watched as Kenny scooped Karen up bridal style and held her close to him. Kenny glared at Craig with a hatred that he's never seen on his face before. Craig expected Kenny to say a thousand different things, but he just looked Craig dead in the eyes and said, "why?"

"I didn't realize it was her, I thought it was you. I'm sorry."

Kenny looked Craig up and down and his gaze hardened, "I see you inherited your father's love for beating things that won't fight back." Then, with those final biting words, he went upstairs presumably to put Karen in her bed.

Craig mechanically stood up and left the home. The entire way back to his house he felt his skin crawling with Kenny's remark.

Was he really like his dad? His actions honestly scared himself. Even if he didn't mean to hurt Karen, he did intend to hurt Kenny, and no one deserved what he had just done. Yes, Kenny did betray his trust and ruined one of the few good things in his life. But that's not an excuse for what Craig just did.

He placed his hands out gently in front of him. He observed his hands in disbelief. They were covered in blood and bruised from striking Karen. Is this who he has become? A person who violently lashes out at innocent people when he doesn't get his way. I really am awful, Craig thought before arriving back at his house.

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