Day 16, Part 2

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Tweek looked around nervously "I don't know."

Craig shrugged, "it's cool, let's just go to Stark's pond."

Tweek looked relieved that he didn't have to make the decision and so with that, they headed off. Craig felt like everything was finally going right between the two of them, no more secrets, no more being a jerk, just the two of them being the two of them.

Except, that wasn't entirely true his brain added for him. There was still that stupid bet he has with Kenny. He hadn't thought about that in a while, but it doesn't mean it just went away. The month is half-way over, and soon it will be over.

What will happen then? Will he stop hanging out with Tweek? He doesn't want to, but will Tweek want to hang out with him? Maybe Tweek will never find out. Craig hates to admit it, but he apparently won't be winning the bet, so perhaps he can just pretend that it never happened. Honestly, Craig couldn't find a good solution to the problem so he just figured he would see where it takes them.

Then they arrived at their destination. Tweek and Craig both sat down under a tree leaning up against its trunk. "I think we need to more about what happened yesterday."

Craig was mostly confused, what was there to talk about, they already went over everything. But, he understood that Tweek's been through a lot, and he had the right to say anything he felt the need to say. "Yeah, of course."

Tweek turned scarlet before saying, "I should also mention that we weren't just friends we were dating."

Craig was freaking out in his head, but he only replied with, "why didn't you say this earlier?"

Tweek looked down, "well, I figured since we were so young that it didn't really count. Besides, we don't like each other now, right?"

Craig could feel his heart literally breaking, knowing that at one point in time he had Tweek, and knowing that he fell all over again, but Tweek wasn't interested anymore was worse than thinking that the two of them being together is only a fantasy. "Yeah, I guess that's true."

Craig always had a hard time understanding Tweek's emotions sometimes, but the look of disappointment was evident on his face, if only Craig understood why. There was a part of him that wanted to think about all the possibilities it could mean, but he refused to let his hopes up like that. Then Tweek was smiling again, and Craig questioned that if it was ever there, to begin with, or if it was his mind wishing to see what was just not there.

They sat like that, the two of them looking out onto the water, Craig thinking about how cruel of a joke this was. "Do you want to play a game," Tweek said out of nowhere

Craig rolled his eyes, "I think you've played enough games today."

Tweek smirked, something that Craig had never really seen before but wouldn't mind if Tweek never stopped, "no, like a drinking game."

Craig smiled, "I'm a bad influence on me."

Tweek pouted, "I like to think that I'm the bad influence on you."

"Yeah, okay Tweek, whatever you say."

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