Day 7, Part 1

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Craig laid in bed staring at his ceiling, he had nothing to do today, it was Saturday so he didn't even have to go to school. The one time when Craig wouldn't have minded going to school and it was a weekend. He didn't want to go downstairs and face either one of his parents right, nor did he want to talk to any of his friends. Not like he could really get too far with his sprained.

"H-Hey." Craig almost jumped, apparently he was so far into thoughts of boredom that he didn't even notice Tweek coming into his room.

"Oh, um hey," Craig almost wanted to face palm, he was acting more awkward then Tweek was.

"I-I just wanted to s-say that I'm s-sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Craig was genuinely confused, if anyone should be apologizing it should be him. He's the asshole that's completely using him.

"For a-acting upset for you w-wanting to hang out with o-other people, w-we're barely f-friends, I w-was being s-stupid."

Craig waited for Tweek to take it back or say he was joking or something, however seconds turned to minutes and Tweek didn't say anything. Eventually Tweek took a deep breath, or what Craig assumed was supposed to be a deep breath, it was actually more of a chocked shutter. "I-I'm sorry f-for coming o-over, I u-understand that y-you don't want to b-be my friend."

Tweek was starting to leave when Craig finally snapped out of it, "no, wait, it's fine."

Tweek froze, half way out the door. "S-So, you d-don't h-hate me?"

Craig wrinkled his nose, "no, of course not."

Tweek smiled, "th-that's good." Craig felt bad for what he was doing to Tweek, he was a good kid. He didn't deserve Craig doing this to him, but Craig had his pride and he refused to give up and lose the bet.

Craig didn't realize how intently he was staring at Tweek but apparently Tweek noticed because he started to blush, "I-I'm g-going to m-make you l-lunch."

"You don't have to do that."

Tweek started messing with the buttons in his shirt, a nervous habit Craig noticed he had and Craig vaguely wondered if that's why they were always buttoned incorrectly. "I-I want to."

Craig shrugged giving Tweek permission to do as he pleases in his kitchen. Tweek jumped up and down before running off to go make them lunch. After Tweek left the room Craig couldn't help the small grin that snuck onto his face.

After what seemed like forever Tweek returned to the doorway looking sheepish. Tweek just looked like a mess, there was no better way to describe it, he had some sort of concoction on his clothes and in his air, not to mention that his hair and clothes were more disheveled than normal. "I-I'm sorry but I-I ruined the k-kitchen and I didn't even get to make l-lunch."

Craig snorted, he had to refrain himself from teasing Tweek. It's not that he wanted to be mean it's just that he was worried Tweek would take it the wrong way. "It's fine, we can just order pizza."

"O-Okay, l-let me go do that," and with that Tweek ran out of the room again. Craig shook his head playfully. While Tweek was out of the room Craig figured he should check his phone. He just had one text from Kenny.

Party tonight at mine.

Why is Kenny the one that's always inviting him to parties? Craig was debating whether or not to go when Tweek came back in. "What are you looking at."

"Kenny invited me to a party tonight."

Tweek quirked his head slightly, "o-oh, really?"

In retrospect, what was about to come out of Craig's mouth probably wasn't a smart idea but Craig was never really known for his smart idea's. that was Wendy and Kyle's thing. "Do you want to come with me?"

Tweek's eyes went wide, "yeah, s-sure."

"Then it's settled, we'll eat, hang out, and then go to the part.

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