Day 4, Part 1

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Craig woke up in a mood that was somehow even worse than when he woke up. He didn't want to do anything or see anyone. He knew if he wanted to win his dare he would have to face the world eventually.

So he did what any rational person would do and decided to sleep the day away, or that was the plan at least.

He woke up again to tapping at his door. Craig rolled his eyes, what could his parents possibly want? He turned over expecting for his mom to give up after a while. When the knocking started getting excessively loud, he gave up on his goal to go back to bed and decided to figure out why the hell they decided to wake him up.

"What the hell do you want?"

There was a sudden bang behind the door and a loud gah. It suddenly clicked in Craig's head who was at the door, and he was annoyed with himself for not thinking that through.

He prepared himself for dealing with the exhausted that comes with seeing Tweek and finally got off the bed and headed to the door. He opened it expecting to find Tweek on the other side, but he didn't find anything.

Craig was resigning himself to the fact that he was crazy, but as he was about to close the door, Craig swore that he heard people talking downstairs, and since there was no screaming he knew it wasn't his parents.

Craig shrugged heading downstairs to see his mom and Tweek chatting over coffee. The scene was peaceful, and the first time he ever saw either of them so relaxed. He almost left, with how out of place he felt.

Yet, something was keeping him in place, his eyes glazed over trying to remember the last time he saw his mom looking so relaxed.

"Are you going to join us, or just stand there?"

Craig froze, he forgot what his own mom's voice sounded like when it wasn't breaking from tears. He realized that his mom and Tweek for both staring at him. He had to make a conscious effort not to blush from the embarrassment but eventually sat down with the both of them.

"Do you want some coffee?" Craig jumped in surprise after hearing Tweek speak without stuttering.

"No, I don't like coffee."

Tweek spit out his coffee onto the table, "what? You don't like coffee!" Even though Craig has barely seen it, he already enjoys this new side of Tweek a lot. Then suddenly his mom is giggling, and Craig wished he could be in that moment and never leave.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Suddenly Tweek's entire body tenses and Craig immediately regrets saying anything.

"He was worried when you weren't at school, so he decided to drop by to see if you were okay, and drop off your homework while he was at it." Craig didn't know why Tweek cared considering he was often missing from school, but he figured now wasn't the time to question it.

"What time is it anyway?" 

Tweek seemed to calm down a little with the subject change, "it's about three." Three? Craig was known for sleeping in all day, but this has got to be a new record.

Before Craig could try to assure Tweek that sleeping that late definitely was not something he did every other day his mom suddenly got up. "Well, I'm going out with friends, you boys have fun." Craig wanted to protest, figuring that Tweek would go right back to his old habits but his mom was already gone.

"Do you want to go do something?"

Tweek looked around as if he thought Craig was talking to someone else. After a long pause that almost made Craig feel self-conscious and retract his statement, Tweek vigorously nodded his head.

Craig smirked, "then let's do this."

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