Chapter 21, The 3rd task

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Me: "Please don't hurt him!"

Peter: "Why shouldn't I? The handsome ones always die"

Harry: "Don't hurt him! It's me you want!"

Peter: "Adva Kedavra!"

Me: "Noooo! Cedric! Baby!!!"
I said with tears streaming out. It was like time froze. I didn't even care if Peter killed me. I didn't even care when Lord Voldemort appeared from the cauldron. Cedric was the only thing right about this world.

Harry grabbed me and I held on to Cedric's corps. He grabbed the port key and we were now back on the tournament filed.

Me: "Noooo! No no he can't be! He's dead! No Cedric I love you! Please don't go"
Tears flood as I kissed his corpse hoping for a response. Why him?! Why couldn't it be me!


I woke up screaming as tears continued to stream out of my eyes. I woke up Cedric who was sleeping next to me.

Cedric: "What's wrong. Baby are you alright? It was just a dream"

Me: "Cedric! I love you l! I can't loose you! I...I"
Cedric held me close and gave me a smooth kiss that calmed me down.

Cedric: "It was only a dream. I'm going nowhere Hannah. I'm right here. I love you."

Hannah: "I love you too"
Cedric drifted back to sleep after comforting.

Hannah: "I'm not letting you die on me Ced. Not as long as I'm around"
I said under my breath as Cedric was sleeping.

(Time skip to tournament)

The tournament is about to begin and I'm more nervous than ever. I've been practicing from spells to riddles non stop. You never know what could happen. There was a big maze that us champions had to complete in order to retrieve the port key to win the tournament. Of course there would be challenges, but if it was ever too much to handle,we were told that we could release sparks from our wand and we would be taken out of the maze. Hopefully it never leads to that.

Cedric: "Hannah no matter what happens, just know that I love you. Some people in the past have died or injured themselves during the tournament & If it comes to that, just know that you are and always have been my true love."

Hannah: "I love you Ced. Please just be careful"

Ced: "You do the same baby"
Cedric gave me a nice long kiss for good luck.

I saw Hermione, Emma, Angelina, & the rest of the school cheering. Harry looked pretty terrified, as if he was scared of something happening. Oh god I hope nothing happens. I hope it was just a dream.

Dumbledore: "In 1st place, Cedric, Hannah, and Harry get to enter the maze first. Then Viktor and Fleur may follow as they have 2nd and 3rd place. But remember the order in which you enter doesn't matter for there will be tough obstacles you all will have to overcome. On your mark, get set, go"

We all entered the maze. It was dark and foggy and I could feel a sharp pain in my gut that I didn't like. Everyone went separate ways so I don't know what happened to the rest of the champions. I ran into 2 dragons, a few phoenixes, and had to deal with the walls closing in and grabbing me. 2 sparks have already went up so that means there is still 3 of us in the maze.

Finally I saw the port key. Harry & Ced were telling each other to grab it almost as arguing since they both saved each other's lives I assume from there speech.

Me: "Let's all just grab it at once ya dummies stop arguing!"

Harry: "Hannah your still in!"

Ced: "I was worried baby!"

Me: "Bloody hell !Shut up I wanna get out of here!"

We all grabbed the port key but landed in a sketchy grave yard.

Cedric: "What is this place?"

Harry: "I've been here before, in my visions"
Harry said while feeling pain in his scar.

Me: "Oh shit it's the dream! Ced!"
There was suddenly a noise. A figure was appearing from the mist of the fog.
Cedric pulled out his wand.

Cedric: "Who goes there?! Reveal yourself!"

Figure (Peter): "Adva Ka..."

Me: "Stop! No!"

Peter: "Ah Miss James. I recognize those features. Your Grandpa was a good man. Except for the fact that he married a muggle. Ha. Plus he betrayed our Lord Voldemort by converting to the good side"

Me: "You knew my grandfather?"

Peter: "Yes, he was a powerful wizard. More powerful than Voldemort. Visions, mind control, you name it. He left before Voldemort got a chance to kill him. You have his blood. Therefore, I shall kill you!"

Cedric: "No I wont let you"

Peter: "Oh don't the handsome ones always die?"

Harry: "No don't hurt him! It's me you want!"

Peter: "Adva Kedavra!"

Me: "Nooooo!"
I jumped in front of Cedric. I couldn't see him die twice. Plus he has a whole life ahead of him. If anyone would make a change in this world, it's him. After that moment, everything just went black.

Cedric's POV
Ced: "Hannah no!"
Why did she do that for me! She deserved to live! I love her! She can't be dead!

Harry: "No!"

Soon Voldemort appeared and no one seemed to notice me as I silently sobbed over my girlfriends corps. I saw the port key and knew I had to find a way to get it to Harry. Voldemort and Harry were dueling and it didn't look good at all. As the two powers were fighting against each other, a figure of what seemed to be the ghosts of Harry's parents appeared telling him to grab the port key. I summoned it as Harry rushed to me. I held on to Hannah's body as me and Harry grabbed the port key.

Voldemort: "No! I will get you Harry! One day!"

We arrived at the tournament field. Everyone started cheering but stoped after seeing Hannah dead in the field as I held her sobbing.

Cedric: "Why! Why her! I should have been me! Hannah please wake up! Please don't be dead! I love you"

Harry: "I'm sorry Cedric but it was the killing curse. No one has survived it"

Cedric: "You fucking survived it Harry! She didn't deserve to die"
I held her hoping that she would respond.

Cedric: "Hannah I love you so much. You mean everything to me. I don't think I can ever love anyone else. I wanted us to get married and make a family. Just us two. Pleas don't leave me. I love you"
I continued sobbing as everyone else was forced to exist the scene.

Cedric: "Please"
I saw a slight twitch. I knew it was apart of my imagination.

Hannah: "I'd never leave you baby. Not even If a stupid curse tried to kill me"

Oh my god she's actually alive!

Cedric: "Oh baby I thought I lost you"
I said as tears of joy spring from my eyes.

Hannah: "I love you Ced"

Cedric: "I love you too"

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