Chapter 6, Confession

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We headed into transfiguration class and since the class was far from our previous class, we were the last ones there. There was only 2 more seats left, and of course they are right next to each other. I didn't feel like sitting. I don't want to sit next to Cedric cuz I was pretty annoyed but it's just my luck.

Minerva McGonagall: "Good morning class. Today we will be learning how to convert small objects into birds as review. Anyone remember what spell that is?"
No one raises their hands.

Minerva McGonagall: "How about you Miss.James? I suppose you know this considering you're the talk of all of the teachers."

I get kind of embarrassed but I don't really care about people's opinions right now. Once a nerd, always a nerd.

Me: "Avifors"

Minerva McGonagall: "That is correct! Would you pleas demonstrate?"

I picked up my wand and pointed to my quilt and said the spell. Soon my quilt turned into a beautiful dove. Everyone clapped. The rest of the class, Minerva McGonagall reviewed over more transfiguration spells, but I didn't bother to talk to Cedric. I was still kind of pissed at him for semi-flirting with Angelina.

Time Skip........

The rest of my 4 classes passed and Cedric showed me to all of them, but we didn't talk much along the way to them. After a quick snack, I headed into the Quidditch field for last period.
I really wanted to be seeker since I'm fast on a broom, but that position is already taken by the team captain. Instead, I was qualified for chaser. It was all okay because I was excited to ride my latest broom model nimbus 2001 that I have been mastering to ride over the summer. I love Quidditch so much! It's my favorite sport.
As I walk onto the field, I notice Cedric is already giving a lesson. Wait.......he's the team captain? He's has the place of seeker? He better be better than me because no one can ride a broom as skillful as I can. He's lucky that I didn't try out. Instead, I had to take what was left.

Cedric: "Okay so let's see everyone's flying skills that they practiced over summer break. Who wants to go first?"

I raise my hand because this is the perfect opportunity to show off my flying.

Cedric: "Why not you Miss.James."

Me: "Just call me Hannah pleas."

Cedric: "Fine by me. Now don't worry I will take it easy on you."
I tried my hardest not to laugh because he actually thought for a moment that I wasn't good. I can't wait to wipe that smirk right off that gorgeous face! Hannah stop thinking about him!

Me: "May the best one win. Wanna make it a bit harder and release the snitch?"

Cedric: "I don't want to make it too hard on you. You are chaser after all"

Me: "Trust me, I know what I'm doing..or are you too scared to loose?"

Student: "uuuoooooooh roasted"

Cedric: "Oh it's on"
Cedric then released the snitch and it bultz out right away.

He got a head start but it doesn't take long for me to catch up with him. The snitch accelerated it's speed and I zoomed past Cedric as if it were nothing. Of course being me, I showed off by doing tricks while flying. I focused on the snitch flying in all kinds of directions , never taking my eyes off it then finally, I feel a metal thump in my hand.
I caught the golden snitch!

We both flew down. I reached the ground first.

Me: "Wow that was easy"
Everyone looked at me with their mouths open.

Cedric: "Who knew you can fly like that? I'm sorry for underestimating you."

Me: "Well don't ever do that again because I will prove you wrong"
I say with a little sass.

Cedric continued class. We practiced techniques and game plans. Soon class was over and we were dismissed.
I was waking towards the building and I hear Cedric call me from behind.

Cedric: "Hannah wait up! "
I slow down so he can catch up to me.

Me: "Hey"

Cedric: "I just wanted to say sorry again for underestimating you. I'm sorry if I came off sounding like a jerk, those weren't my intentions at all. I was just trying to mess with ya a little and didn't think you would take it seriously. Anyways, If you can catch a snitch that fast, then what aren't you seeker?"

Me: "You already have that position so they wouldn't let me. Plus, speed can also come in handy for chaser."

Cedric: "Well you definitely impressed me little warrior"

We stare in each other's eyes, but then I come back to reality. This can't be happening. Either he tells me he likes me or he likes Angelina or someone else or no one. I'm tired of this game!

I break eye contact and just walk faster to avoid him.

Cedric: "What's wrong?"


Cedric: "Yes, something is wrong. You can't lie to me. I'm worried about you Hannah. You've been like this all day."

Me: "I'm tired of this Cedric. Stop playing these little mind games on me. Either you tell me if you feel attracted to me or you don't. Tell me now before I get my hopes up because I don't feel like getting my heart broken twice in one year!"

Cedric stands their silently looking at me with passionate eyes.

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