Chapter 26

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When she entered the eating room, any thought that Briana was innocent vanished. At the sight of her cousin in good health, shock crossed her face and her mouth formed a silent question.

Rowen smiled at the three people around the table. "I hope you all slept well."An awkward silence followed her words.

Donngal pointed at the sword Rowen had strapped on before she had left her room. "Lord Trian, did you know that Lady Orlaith be an expert with her sword?"

"Nay, I hadna heard that." The attempt at the conversation came to a halt. Trian cleared his throat. "Lady Maverick, may I speak to you alone after the meal?"

"Of course, me lord. I have some things I would like to discuss with you as well." The food was eaten in silence, as each were lost in their own thoughts. When they had finished Donngal and his sister left.

"Would you like to talk here, me lord, or go to the Hall's circle? We wouldna be overheard by anyone there."

"Whatever you wish, me lady. I have to admit I would prefer some privacy." She nodded and led her guest to the room. The circle was at the center of the Hall. It was the place where the ruler of the Clan meet with people and discussed things with other lords and ladies. To the Irish it was elaborate, but to Rowen, who had seen kings' rooms, it was simple.

They entered it and she walked behind the desk. Trian took a seat in one of the many chairs along the wall. Rowen waited a few moments longer than necessary to make him uncomfortable. He shifted in his chair. Good.

"Now, me lord..."

"Please, call me Trian."

She cleared her throat. "Very well. Trian, then, what do you wish to discuss with me?"

"Well, Orlaith." She raised an eyebrow. "May I call you Orlaith?"

"I suppose." She sighed. "Continue."

"Last night I had trouble falling asleep. You see, I was thinking."

"I find it hard to sleep when I have thoughts in my head." The interruptions were making him angry but he was trying hard to hide it, the result was a flustered man. Rowen kept a smirk off her face. This was too easy.

"Anyway I was thinking of Betha. I relied on her for so many things." His voice cracked with emotion.

She kept a neutral face, but wanted to roll her eyes at his acting. "I be sorry for you lose."

He sniffed, trying to regain his composure. "But this thought came to me." Her fingers traced the pattern in the wooden chair where she sat. "Orlaith, I know we dona know each other well and it has been many years since our betrothal." She could feel his eyes on her, but she studied a pair of decorative candlesticks in front of her. "Me Clan and I need a woman." The urge to yawn came over, her but she ignored it. "I be asking for your consent for us to renew our vow." She picked up one of the candle holders; it was heavier than she expected. "Orlaith?"

"There be something wrong with these candlesticks."


With a thunk, she put the object back down on the table. "Trian, I appreciate the offer very much. I be flattered. But I dona know you. You could be any sort of man."

He stiffened. "Have I done anything to make you mistrust me?"

Murdering all the people who opposed you. "Nay, you havena."

"It be dangerous to be an unmarried woman."

"But what about the Mavericks?"

"What about them?"

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