Chapter 14

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Rowen's focus was soon turned to the people who crowded around her, begging to hear her story. As she told and retold her tale, they listened with rapt attention not caring that some of them were hearing it for the third or fourth time. Even though the people didn't tire from hearing it, she did.

When she was asked to tell it once again, she said, "I grow weary of telling about me self. It be your turn now, what do you do every day?"

"Does me lady really mean that?" a woman asked.

"Aye, I do mean it. What be your name?"

Her eyes widened in surprise at being answered. "Oh! Me name be Cara, me lady."

"Cara, what troubles you, me friend?"

She curtsied. "I be perfectly content, me lady." It was a proper answer, but it was a lie. Rowen glanced at her. The clothes she wore were hardly better than rags. She would have been considered pretty if it hadn't been for the pinched hunger look she had.

"But you dream. You dream of a better life. What be it like?"

"Well, if I could come home to a house I call me own. If me children wouldna look at me and say, 'Mum, I be so hungry!' If I could give them warm clothes so they wouldna shiver during the winter. That would be me better life, me lady."

"I shall do me best to make that dream a reality."

And so the hours passed with Rowen talking with her people. The stories were all similar. A house, clothing, food, and warmth. They weren't greedy, they only wished for the things that they needed to survive. The words of Briana came back to her: I be afraid I live in comfort due to others distress. Perhaps she could change the state of things when she became the ruler. No, she was being optimistic, if she became the ruler. Donngal wasn't a stupid man. He might try anything to stay the Lord Maverick. But she couldn't, William's life was endangered. She had to stop the army. That meant going to Donngal.

She went to the building she had seen him come out of earlier. Once inside she was confronted with a hallway that had several doors leading off of it. She caught sight of a servant and hurried after her.

Breathless, she finally caught her attention. "Excuse me! Where might I find Donngal?"

The girl, recognizing that she was the stranger proclaiming to be Lady Maverick, curtsied. She pointed at a door to the left. "That door there, me lady." Rowen went over and knocked sharply on it.

"Come in." She entered and Donngal looked up. When he saw who it was his face twitched. "Ah, dear cousin."

Her eyes narrowed. "Donngal, just because we be related and you be used to being in control doesna mean that you can be excused for your lack of respect toward me. I be the Lady Orlaith, a name you havena called me since I got here."

"But we be family."

"You be merely trying me patience; seeing how much you can do before I say something. From now on, you, like the rest of the Mavericks, will address me as Lady Orlaith or me lady. Do I make me self clear?"

"Aye." She raised an eyebrow. He scowled and added, "Me lady."

"Now, for the true reason of why I came to see you. Rumors have come to me that the Mavericks have an army. This story, be it true?"

"Aye, me lady. We were going to attack England. But since you sympathize with them so much I can see you will forget justice to protect your friends."

"You be wrong. If England has committed a crime against me people I willna protect her."

Angry, he rose to his feet. "Your people, me lady? Dona deny that you have more in common with the people of England then you do with the Irish."

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