Chapter 11

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Ailen's horse, Heather

It was a fairly short walk to Ailen's home so Rowen didn't remount. The scene she walked into didn't surprise her. It was simple. A couple of goats were tied to a tree. They had cropped the grass as far as their ropes would let them reach, forming a circle around them. Off to her left, was a couple of chickens in a cage. A pleasant-looking house stood in front of her. Wisps of smoke curled above the stone cottage, beckoning her to draw nearer. Her stomach threatened to growl as a tempting aroma floated past her hose.

Ailen noticed her look of hunger. "Have you eaten? We will have food for you, of that I be quite sure."

"I thank you, but I be afraid I have to keep moving."

He shrugged. "Well, I be planning on eating and you canna leave without me."

She pushed down her frustration. Her body needed food anyway. "Fine."

He led her inside and introduced her to his parents. They seemed to be nice folk but seeing her haste kept their questions to themselves, much to her relief. After the meal, Ailen showed her his pride and joy. His horse, Heather. She was a Connemara, a beautiful pony. Her coloration hinted at a dappled pattern that was confirmed when her coat grew darker on her hindquarters. The dark color continued down her legs ending with a deep gray that suggested black. Standing in stark contrast to the dark of her legs was her white tail which matched her mane.

Rowen gasped in delight. "Why, she be beautiful!" She knew that Connemaras were athletic horses, with good endurance and temperament. Her eyes ran over the horse, noting the well-muscled legs and strong back. This horse was a tribute to her breed.

A look of pride crossed Ailen's face. "Now you be seeing why I canna be lending her out to every stranger I met."

"I understand."

"Then you will be letting me go with you?"

She would spend more time arguing with him then he would take from accompanying her. A sigh escaped her. "I suppose."

"I will make it worth it, I promise."

All the details were soon arranged. Ailen would take another of their horses and let Rowen ride Heather. It was decided this way since she was the more docile of the two horses and Rowen didn't have as much experience riding as Ailen did. They soon were on their way. The pace they set wasn't suited for talking for which Rowen was relieved. For some reason she wanted to avoid tell him she was the true Lady Maverick. Part of her still didn't believe it herself. What did she have for proof? A design of mere thread. She was a fool. The Irish wouldn't receive her openly. Their very nature was distrustful of anything that wasn't familiar to them. Once you gained their respect, though... But how as she to win their trust? Her entire life had been to make her an expert at appearing like someone she was not. If they found out she was English, or a spy, all was lost. The truth was too absurd to believe. Or was it? Perhaps she should tell Ailen the truth, to see how he reacted. But was it too risky? But what could he do? Laugh? Tell her she was insane? He might raise questions that she would need to know how to answer. She would tell him. Tonight.

When they stopped Ailen stripped the tack off of the horses with a practiced hand. Rowen was pleased with the way both horses had done under the strain of the long ride. After building a fire, Rowen toasted some bread and cheese that Ailen had brought from his home. Simple as it was, it still tasted delicious after the hard riding they had done.

"Ailen, how far away be the Maverick Clan from here?"

He thought for a moment. "Well, we should easily be able to reach it by tomorrow, if nothing unexpected happens."

"I see." She drew a deep breath. The time had come. "Ailen?"


"When we first met, you asked me who I was. I didna tell you because I was afraid you wouldna believe me. But now I have changed me mind and decided to tell you. I be the missing Orlaith, the Lady Maverick. I was taken away as a child and raised in England. Until recently I didna know about my heritage, but now I do, and I have returned."

There was a stunned silence. Then Ailen let out a laugh. "Here I be thinking you be a serious sort of person! The Lady Maverick, indeed!"

"I speak the truth."

He stared at her. "You canna be serious."

"Oh? And what if I be her?"

Shaking his head in amazement, he answered,"Well, there have been rumors that Orlaith be still alive, but you? I dona know."

"I be the right age."

"You could just be saying that, though."

"What about my hair and eyes? You canna deny that I look Irish."

"Did I ever doubt that you be Irish? You sound it, look it and act like it. In fact, if you were raised in England why do sound so Irish?"

Now here was something that Rowen didn't expect. "I wanted to fit in. I can drop the accent if you like."

"Can you?"

She cleared her throat and spoke with her normal English accent. "Of course I can."

"How can you change the sound of your voice so quickly?"

"That is of no importance. Do you have any other doubts I can lay to rest?"

"Do you have any proof? I mean, about being Orlaith."

Rowen sighed and pulled out the dress she had been wearing when she was found. "Here. This was the dress I was found in. Look closely at the hem."

"I dona...," he began, then gasped. "The sign of the Royal House of the Mavericks!" Doubt crept over his face. "But how do I now you didna just make this?"

"Ailen, prove to me that the horse I rode today is yours and not mine."

"Yours! Were you there when she entered the world? No, I was. Did you put the saddle on her back for the first time? No, I did. Was it you who stood by her when she was sick? No, it was me."

She looked at him. "You could just be saying that, though."

For a moment he looked confused, then he realized what she as doing. "But..." He stopped, thinking. "I believe you."


"I think you be telling the truth."

"But why?"

"The Maverick Clan be a troublesome, bickering tribe. What have you to gain by becoming their ruler, except strife? By the way, why did you come back to claim this clan?"

"An army is forming there. If I can stop unnecessary bloodshed I will. The Mavericks may be a disgusting people, but they are still people."

"Well, that is a worthy thing to do. I canna say that I would do the same in your place."

She sighed. The more she heard about this clan the more she dreaded going there. Oh, how was Will? The thought shot through her head like an arrow from a bow.

"If you wanna start before first light we should be sleeping now." Rowen nodded in agreement. She walked around the tethered horses, found a suitable place, lay down, and soon drifted to sleep.

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