10. Khushi (Happiness)

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Good Day, people! Hope you had fun reading the last chapter. Did you now? How many of you loved Asfi's little action? ;) Okay. Lets head to the next chapter, shall we?


Zubiya didn't have much time to contemplate what she just saw as Gaiti bhabi pulled her back again to dance with them unaware of the turmoil that Zubiya was currently feeling inside her. She turned her head back to where Asfand stood last but he was nowhere to be seen. Her attempt to search for him in other areas was a failed one.

Where did he go?

And... what was that?!

She couldn't just ignore what she saw, could she?

All she knew was now, they had to talk.


A couple of days passed since Asfand had returned home. He had been so busy with his House Job at his college that he hardly had any time for himself.

Another fact, Asfand was purposefully ignoring Zubiya knowing well that she would be demanding for answers which he wasn't sure he was ready to admit.

First, he decided he required some advice from someone who had experience about such matters for a very long-long time. Who better than his own parents.... but since he felt a bit weird to talk about this through with his father, it left him with no other option than his mother.

He hoped she would approve of his choice. His choice... Did he unknowingly already select her for himself?

As he laid on his bed and really thought about it... with closed eyes and everything... imagining himself after 10 years... the only picture that came into his head included her. Beside him.

He smiled widely as he finally came into terms with the fact that he liked Zubiya. More than he had contemplated. He had thought her as his confidante, a friend.... But she was more than that for him..

And finally he drifted off to a peaceful sleep after two hectic days with a wide smile on his face...


Asfand slowly knocked on the study room door and waited to be called in by his parents.

He had woken up early and taken a shower, giving himself pep talks to not back out before talking to his parents. It was mandatory for him that he had their blessing and their approval.

It was Zubiya he was talking about. He didn't think he needed to worry over it much as they loved her almost more than him... He chuckled slightly as he shook his head.

But he was still nervous. This was one of the most important grown-up talks he was going to have with his parents.

"Come in!" He heard his mother's voice call him in.

He slightly peeked inside to find them sitting on the sofa enjoying their morning tea.

"Asfand? Why are you up so early? I thought you were going to sleep in today... You were in duty for more than 48 hours! Why do they always call you in duty when they have emergencies, Asfand? Can't they call others? It's not fair- " Asfand's mother said to Asfand- who walked over to his parents with a frown on her face.

"Mama! It is my duty.. Now that I'm a doctor I have to get adapted to this life. In fact I'm happy that they call me during emergencies... I can help them.. moreover it also means that my work is being appreciated." Asfand said to his mother with a soft smile on his face. He glanced at his father who was smiling softly at his wife.

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