7. Itmad (Confidence)

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A/N: Heya people! A question please. Did you guys love our Asfiya's conversation in the last chapter? Do you think it was stupid of Zubiya to miss her father despite his faults? What would you do if you were in her place? Please don't forget to write your opinions in the comment section!

Here, I present you with the latest chapter!


A couple of months have passed since her breakdown in front of Asfandyar and now, Zubiya was a completely changed person.

Everyone was happy to notice that she had quite a bit mischievous streak in her which leapt out at times when she gossiped with Gaiti and sometimes used it to her leverage to tease her regarding Daniyal bhai. Or help Usman mamo get back into Lubna aunt's good books again when he got into trouble with her.

Zubiya had been suggested to join a college that was closer to their house, to which she agreed and has easily adapted to the new college without any struggle, making Usman really proud of her. She had only a year left to finish her college and then she would apply for admission into a well-renowned medical college in the city on scholarship.

Daniyal had also started to take a liking to her and had already considered her as the younger one, calling her Choti. He was genuinely surprised to find her rifting through a law book of his on one weekend day and had spent about an hour debating and discussing with her about several topics related to it. The current one was the one he was trying to figure out. It was about a girl named Noori, who was gang-raped in a village and they were trying to find proof against the culprits so that they could file a case against them.

They had decided to keep low-key for now before the culprits could suspect anything. After they found some solid proof , only then they would file the case. Till then, they would wait.

Noori, who had come to the city was currently teaching in a primary school. She would surreptitiously send the money to her family at the village. She knew after what happened she wouldn't be able to work at the village and had decided to come to the city where she came in contact with Barrister Daniyal, whom she had begged for help. Daniyal familiar with who the culprits were, had agreed to help her achieve justice. Giving her his word.

Zubiya after listening to Daniyal bhai speak about the case with such passion felt pure admiration for his determination and respect for him.

And lastly Asfandyar... whom she enjoyed spending a lone night in a week talking with and listening to had become someone special for her. A special friend, that is. She didn't want to term it as anything different. She was grateful to have a friend in his form. A confidante. It was because of him she had become much confident than before. It was he who brought out the rare parts of her that she had forgotten they had ever existed. He made her feel elated when she was around him. Yes, he would irritate her to no ends with his stupid jokes when she was busy doing her projects but eventually he would always make her smile on the days she felt really down.

Zubiya sometimes felt scared of her own thoughts as they would all of a sudden drift towards the direction she wasn't yet ready to approach. It made her quiet down and almost bring her old-self back. But not for long as Asfand would distract her the moment he would notice her brooding-self.

She was grateful for the life she was leading now. For the family she has gained by making a split-decision.

She just hoped nothing would ruin the bubble she has formed around herself and her adopted family. Not even her wayward thoughts.


Zubiya felt tired as she slowly walked into the house. She just had her final exam of her midterms. It had taken a huge toll on her.. to cover up for the duration of the classes she had missed on at the start of the year and to prepare for her midterms. She just wanted to jump on her bed and take a long nap.

As she walked towards the stairs, she heard unknown voices coming from the living room. Curious, she took some steps towards the room and peaked in and found three new guests, a family of three talking to Usman mamo and Lubna aunty. She saw Gaiti bhabi keeping a tray of tea and biscuits in front of them. Gaiti was pouring them tea when she looked up and saw Zubiya standing at the door.

"Zubiya! When did you come?!" Gaiti exclaimed happily. The guests looked up and watched her as if trying to make sense.

"Uh.. I just came right now..." Zubiya said as she greeted the new guests and smiled at them bit awkwardly. All three of them returned her greetings and gave her a smile of their own.

"Zubiya, this is my brother, his wife and daughter, Faryal. Faryal must be  of the same age as you are. Gaiti, why don't you and Zubiya take Faryal with you and spend some time with her... she has come to Pakistan after many years. Tell her all about what's new in Pakistan now... Now that she has come back to live here now... she needs to know all about Pakistan now!" Usman said as he laughed, joined by everyone except Zubiya who awkwardly smiled which didn't go unnoticed by Faryal, who has been watching her for a very long time.

Who is she? Faryal wondered.

Zubiya felt uncomfortable as she felt the new girl staring at her. It made her want to cower at a corner... but then she remembered what Asfandyar had said to her.

If you feel intimidated by someone, look into their eyes without blinking your eyes for a minute. It will give them the message. That you aren’t scared.

Which is what she did.

She finally looked at Faryal and gave her full attention and stared back at her without removing her eyes even once.

Faryal surprised, blinked her eyes and looked away concentrating on something else.


P.S: Okaay! So here comes Faryaal! Who is excited for a bitch fight between Zubiya and Faryaal?! Okay. There isn't going to be anything of this sort so I won't give you any false hopes! Please comment and tell me if you liked the events of this chapter. And don't forget to answer the question asked at the top!

Aand don't forget to like if you liked the chapter!

Love! ♥♥♥

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